Genus: Condorraptor RAUHUT, 2005
Etymology: In reference to Condor, for the village of Cerro Condor, in the
vicinity of which the holotype was found, and Latin, raptor, 'robber or snatcher':
Condor robber.
Species: currumilli RAUHUT, 2005
Etymology: In honor of Hipolito Currumil, the land owner of the discoverer
of the locality.
Holotype: MPEF-PV 1672
Locality: Las Chacritas locality, 2.3 km west of Cerro Condor, Chubut Province, Patagonia, Argentina.
Horizon: Canadon Asfalto Formation.
Age: Callovian Stage, Upper Dogger Epoch, Middle Jurassic.
Material: Incomplete left tibia.
MPEF-PV 1694-1695: Teeth.
MPEF-PV 1673-1675: Cervical vertebrae.
MPEF-PV 1676-1689, 1697, 1700, 1705: Dorsal vertebrae and vertebral fragments.
MPEF-PV 1681, 1701: Sacral vertebrae.
MPEF-PV 1682-1683, 1702: Caudal vertebrae.
MPEF-PV 1684-1685, 1703: Rib fragments and chevron.
MPEF-PV 1686-1689, 1696, 1704: Partial ilium, pubes and ischium.
MPEF-PV 1690-1693: Partial femora, metatarsal IV and pedal ungual.
RAUHUT, 2007
Locality: Close to the microvertebrate locality "Queso Rallado", 4 km west-north-west of the village of Cerro Condor, Chubut Province, Patagonia, Argentina.
Horizon: Canadon Asfalto Formation.
Age: Callovian Stage, Upper Dogger Epoch, Middle Jurassic.
MPEF 1717: Anterior parts of the left and right maxilla, parts of the nasals, and probably the palatines.
Modified from RAUHUT, 2007: A) right and B) left lateral views.