Genus: Dzharacursor AVERIANOV & SUES, 2025
Etymology In reference to the locality Dzharakuduk in Uzbekistan and Latin, cursor, "runner".

Species: bissektensis (NESOV, 1995) AVERIANOV & SUES, 2025
Etymology: Named after the Bissektiyskava Svita (Bissekty well).
= Archaeornithomimus (?) bissektensis NESOV, 1995
= Alectrosaurus sp NESOV, 1995 (partim)
= Ornithomimosauria indet NESOV 1995
= Oviraptorosauria? or cf. Gallimimus sp NESOV, 1995
= Theropoda indet NESOV, 1995
= cf. Dryptosaurus sp NESOV, 1995
= Gilmoreosaurus arkhangelski NESOV, 1995 (partim)
= Azhdarcho lancicollis NESOV, 1997 (partim)
= Sauropoda indet NESOV, 1997
= Ornithomimidae indet SUES & AVERIANOV, 2016

Holotype: TsNIGR museum [Central Geological Museum of St. Petersburg] #479/12457

Locality: Dzharakuduk (Dzhira-Khuduk) central Kyzylkum Destert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Middle section of Bissekt Formation, Bissektiyskaya Svita.


Age: Upper Turonian Stage, Lower Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Middle Cretaceous.

Material: Right femur of a juvenile.

Referred material:


CCMG 447/23457, 448/12457, ZIN PH 144/15, 145/16, 147-151/15, 153-157/16, 335/16, 485/16, 633/16, 1016/16, 1017/16, 1530/16, 2097/16, 2186/16, 2207/16: Astragalus.

CCMGE 449/112457, ZIN PH 213-222/16, 813-823/16, 832-852/16, 945/16, 946/16, 1187/16, 1188/16, 1531/16, 1543/15, 2187-2191/15, 2640/16, USNM 538186: Pedal preungual phalanges.

CCMGE 468/16, ZIN PH 189-212/16, 486/16, 545/16, 653/16, 804-806/16, 938/16, 956/16, 1522/16, 2316/16: Manual ungual phalanges.

CCMG 474/12457, ZIN PH 866/16, 1004/15: Sacrum.

CCMGE 613/15/12457, ZIN PH 166/16, 586-591/16, 606/16, 808/16, 861/16, 987-997/16, 1211/16, 1346/16, 1545/16, 2276/16: Ilia.

CCMGE 725/12457, ZIN PH 358-371/16, 375-432/16, 439-447/16, 451-465/16, 498/16, 502/16, 557/16, 661-688/16, 767/16, 785-788/16, 881/16, 913-915/16, 948-950/16, 960/16, 961/16, 1523-1525/16, 1537/16, 1538/16, 2066-2062/16, 2109/16, 2247-22249/16, USNM 538160, 538161, 538176, 538178, 538187: Posterior dorsal vertebrae.

ZIN PH 3-5/16, 126-128/16, 651/16, 652/15, 655/16, 794/15, 917/16, 942/15, 1329/16, 1347/16: Metatarsal III.

ZIN PH 6-9!6, 162-164/16, 487/16: Fibulae.

ZIN PH 10/16, 165/16, 167-186/16, 304/16, 372-374/16, 645/16, 654/16, 780/16, 782/16, 803/16, 998/16, 1389-1404/16, 2254/16, 2615/16USNM 538118, 538149, 538159, 538190: Femora.

ZIN PH 80-84/15, 112/16, 114/16, 115/16, 433-438/15, 499/16, 450/16, 499/16, 504-532/16, 546/16, 549/16, 632/16, 656/16, 771/16, 778/16, 783/15, 789/16, 857-859/16, 916/16, 957-959/16, 1333/16, 1508-1531/16, 1539-1541-16, 1544/16, 2102-2106/16, 2129-2168/16, 2225/16, 2227/16, 2246/16, 2277-2279/16, USNM 538147, 53816: Anterior caudal vertebrae.

ZIN PH 109-111/16, 113/16, 341/16, 493/16, 538/16, 898/16, 1008/16, 2114/16, 2115/16, 2117-2122/16, 2125-2128/16, 2169-2174/16, 2212/15, USNM 538139, 538140: Posterior dorsal vertebrae.

ZIN PH 116/16, 494/16, 536/16, 537/16, 547/16, 856/16, 10006/16, 2110-2113/16, 2116/16, 2123/16, 2124/16, 2715/16, 2716/16, USNM 538143: Anterior dorsal vertebrae.

ZIN PH 129/16, 131-133/16, 137-140/16, 638/16, 797/16, 1005/16, 2230-2236/16: Posterior cervical vertebrae.

ZIN PH 130/16, 134/16, 135/16, 158-160/16, 637/16, 796/16, 934/16, 1009/16, 2228/16, 2229/16, 1612/16, USNM 538138: Anterior cervical vertebrae.

ZIN PH 146/16, 152/15, 1011/16: Metacarpal II.

ZINPH 187/16, 188/16, 490/16, 491/16, 541/16, 542/16, 551-556/16, 558/16, 795/15, 812/16, 965/15, 1385/15, 1531/15, 1542/15: Metatarsal II.

ZIN PIH 271/16, 340/16, 810/16, 973-976/16, 1232/16, 1976/16, 2304-2306/16: Frontals.

ZIN PH 223-241/16, 345-347/16, 544/16, 607-609/16, 791/16, 791/16, 941/15, 1026/16, 1526/16, 2208/16, 2209/16, 2293-2303/16, USNM 538180: Pedal ungual phalanges.

ZIN PH 272/16, 1292/16, 1293/15, 2204/16, 2288/16, USNM 538122: Humeri.

ZIN PH 474/16, 475/15, 594/16, 595/16, 601/16, 658-660/16, 807/16, 862/16, 928/16, 929/16, 2202/16, 2203/16, 2288/16: Coracoids.

ZIN PH 559/16, 560/16, 1246-1250/16, 1260/16: Metacarpal I.

ZIN PH 575/16, 577/16, 2377/15: Metatrasal IV.ZIN PH 610-613/15, 918/16: Metacarpal III.

ZIN PH 625-630/16, 650/16, 784/16, 853/14, 968-972/15, 1000/16, 1010/16, 1291/16, 1420-1424/16, 2196/16, 2284/16, 2369/16: Tibae.

ZIN PH 824-831/16, 2211/16, 2373-2376/15, USNM 538184, 538185: Manual preungual phalanges.

ZIN PH 983/16: Premaxilla.

ZIN PH 984/16, 985/16, 1263-1266/16: Ulnae.

ZIN PH 986/16: Distal tarsal.

ZIN PH 1013-1015/16: Quarates.

ZIN PH 1251/16, 1252/16: Pubi.

ZINPH 2641-2643/16: Ischia.