Genus: Eocarcharia SERENO & BRUSATTE, 2008
Etymology: Greek, eos, "dawn," Greek, karcharias, "shark"; in reference to its basal position in the 'shark-toothed' theropod clade Carcharodontosauridae.
= Species: Nova BRUSATTE & SERENO, 2005

Species: dinops SERENO & BRUSATTE, 2008
Etymology: Greek, dinops, "fierce-eyed"; in reference to the massive ornamented brow above the orbit.

Holotype: MNN GAD2

Locality: 'Gadoufaoua' on the western edge of the Tenere Desert, N 16°88', E9°88', Niger.

Horizon: Elrhaz Formation.


Age: Aptian-Albian Stage, middle Gallic subepoch, lower Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: A complete left postorbital.

Referred material:

MNN GAD3: Complete left postorbital.

MNN GAD4: Partial right postorbital.

MNN GAD5: Partial right postorbital.

MNN GAD6: Partial right postorbital.

MNN GAD7: Nearly left maxilla.

MNN GAD8: Right maxillary fragment.

MNN GAD9: Left maxillary fragment.

MNN GAD10: Left frontal and prefrontal.

MNN GAD11: Frontoparietal.

MNN GAD12: 3 teeth.

MNN GAD14: Complete crown.

Eocarcharia dinops (modified from SERENO & BRUSATTE, 2008), MNN GAD7