Genus: Haplocheirus CHOINIERE, XU, CLARK, FORSTER, GUO & HAN, 2010
Etymology: Latinzed Greek, haplocheir, "simple hand"; and referring to the lack of the specialized manus of derrived alvarezsauroids.

Species: sollers CHOINIERE, XU, CLARK, FORSTER, GUO & HAN, 2010
Etymology: Latin, sollers, "skilful, clever, quick, adroit, dexterous"; in reference to the ability of this taxon to perform digital actions that would be impossible for derived alvezsauroids.

Holotype: IVPP V15988

Locality:Wucaiwan area, Junggar Basin, Xinjiang Uihgur Autonomous Region, Western China.

Horizon: Upper part of the Shishugou Formation.


Age: Oxfordian Stage, Lower Malm Epoch, Middle-Upper Jurassic.

Material: Skull and skeleton.