Species: inakayali POL, BAIANO, DERNY, NOVAS, CERDA & PTTMAN, 2024
Etymology: Honouring Inakayal, one of the last chiefs of Tehuelches, native people from central Patagonia. He is known for his resistance against Argentina's Conquest of the Desert military campaign, which resulted in the decimation and displacement of native communities from Pagatonia. After his capture and eventual death in 1888, Inakayal's skeleton was stored at the La Plata Museum Anthropology collection but in 1994 his skeleton was respectfully resituted in its native place and buried y his people near the town of Tecka, in central Patagonia (Chubut Province, Argentina).
Holotype: MPEF-PV 10826
Locality: Cerro Bayo Norte area, east of the Sierra de La Colonia, cnetre north of Chubut Province, Patagonia, Argentina.
Note: Percise geographical provenance is deposited at the MPEF collection.
Horizon: Base of the La Colonia Formation.
Age: Early Maastrichtian Stage, Late Senonian Subepoch, Late Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Fragmentary skull, atlas, articulated postcranial skeleton, composed of the posteriormost 8 dorsal vertebrae, a complete sacrum, 8 caudal vertebrae, an almost complete pelvis and hinkd limbs..