Genus: Labocania MOLNAR, 1974
Etymology: For the La Boca Roja Formation, Baja California, Mexico.

Species: anomala MOLNAR, 1974
Etymology: Latin, anomalous, "deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected."

Holotype: IGM (UNAM) 5307 (formerly LACM 20877)

Locality: Locality #7257, Arroyo del Rosario region of Baja California, Baja California State, Mexico.

Horizon: "La Bocana Roja Formation".


Age: Cenomanian-Turonian Stage, Late Gallic Subepoch, Ealry Gulf Epoch, Middle Cretaceous (Kane et al, 2022). However, this is in dispute and the orignial age is considered to be correct.

Note: Orginally suggested to be Late Campanina Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Quadrate, left frontal, fragment of maxilla, fragment of dentary, incomplete teeth, fragment of left ischium, fragments of pubis, right metatarsal II, pedal phalanx, and a chevron.

Skull after RIVERA-SYLVA & CARPENTER, 2014.

Modifed after rIVERA-SYLVA & LONGRICH, 2024.


Species: aquillonae RIVERA-SYLVA & LONGRICH, 2024
Etymology: In honor of Martha C. Aguillon, discoverer of teh specimen aand a long-time career paleontologist of Coahuila.

Holotype: CPC 2974

Locality: La Parrita, 54 km west of Saltillo, municipality of General Cepeda, Coahuila State, Mexico.

Horizon: Upper part of the Cerro del Pueblo Formation.


Age: Late Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Fragment of the maxilla, left and right frontals, the ventral part of the left lacrimal, partial nasals, the posterior end of the left squamosal, fragments of a cervical vertebra, dorsal centrum, fragments of the sacrum, the posterior end of two caudal centra and a caudal neural arch, the left humerus, acetabular region of the left ilium, partial left ischium, left femur, proximal and distal ends of the left tibia, proximal end of the left fibula, left metatarsal II missing the distal end, pedal phalanges II-1, II-2, and III-3.

Labocania aquillonae skull modifed from RIVERA-SYLVA & LONGRICH, 2024, Holotype: CPC 2974,

Labocania aquillonae skeleton modifed from RIVERA-SYLVA & LONGRICH, 2024, Holotype: CPC 2974,

Referred material:

CPC 3077: Part of a left dentary, including three alveoli and a repalcement tooth.

CPC 3078-3091: Isolated teeth.