Species: praecisio NESBITT, & ECZURRA, 2015
Etymology: Latin, praecisio, "fragment or scrap"; in reference to the common
preservtion of early dinosaurs form North America as bone fragments.
Holotype: TMM 41936-1.3
Locality: Dockum Site 7 General (TMM loclaity 41936), just northeast of the classic Otis Chalk localities, Howard County, Texas.
Horizon: Otis Chalk area, Dockum Group.
Age: Lower Norian Stage? Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
Material: Articulated distal end of the left tibia and fibula wth a left astragalocalcaneum.
Referred material:
TMM 4193601: Fragment of left femoral shaft.
TMM 4193601.1: A partial left maxilla.