Genus: Lewisuchus ROMER, 1972
= Pseudolagosuchus ARCUCCI, 1987
Etymology: Greek, pseudos, "false" + Lagosuchus.

Species: admixtus ROMER, 1972

Holotype: The collection of the National University of La Rioja Catalogued as PULR 001 (formerly Museo de La Plata 1964-"XI-14-14)

Locality: Los Chanares locality ("Romer's site"), about 4 km north of the mouth of the Chanares River, Talampaya National Park, La Rioja Province, Argentina.

Horizon: Lower part of the  Chanares Formation.


Age: Ladinian Stage, Upper Mid Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.

Material: Left maxilla, jugal, postorbital, squamosal, quadrate, anterior portion of dentary, surangular, angular, rightscapulocoracoid, head of right humerus, incomplete left humerus, 8 cervical, and 6 dorsal vertebrae, cervical ribs, dorsal ribs, right femur missing distal end elements of the second and third toes of pes.

Note: Part of an asymmetrical pes belongs to a smaller proterochampsid.

Referred material:


PULR-V 111: Partially articulated skeleton composed of complete left postorbital, incomplete left squamosal and quadrate, several presacral vertebrae, (Cv5-D3 and D4-D10), dorsal ribs, left ilium, pubis, ischium, femur, tibia, astragalus and calcaneum.

PULR-V 112: Left postoorbital, squamosal and quadrate, nearly complet cervical and doral vertebral sequences, pelvic girdle, and posterior stylopodium and zeugopodium.PULR-V 113: A sacrum articulated to left ilium and proximal region of both pubes, both ischia, adn incomlete left femur and tibia.



Locality: Campo Cordoba Sur, Romer Reloaded 29°49'58.9"S, 67°45'00.3W, about 4 km north of the mouth of the Chanares River, Talampaya National Park, La Rioja Province, Argentina.

Horizon: 20-30 m above the boundary of the Tarjados and Chanares Fromation, Lower member of the Chanares Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Lower-midle leveals of the Massetognathus-Chanaresuchus Assemblage Zone.

Age: Early Carnian Stage, Early Late Triassic Epoch, Early Late Triassic.


CRILAR-Pv 552: Fragments of both premaxillae and maxillae, partial right jugal, right quadrate, fragment of right petrygoid, supraoccipital, both prootics, parabasisphenoid, right dentary lacking posterior end, anterior end of left dentary, partial right retroarticular complex, an isolated tooth, 3 or 4 anterior-middle cervical vertebrae, distal half of a posterior cervical or dorsal neural spine, 2 middle-posterior dorsal vertebrae, 2 sacral vertebrae, 2 consecutive anterior caudal vertebrae, 8 to 10 middle-distal caudal vertebra, 2 hemal arches, base of the left scapular blade, partial left coracoid, distal half of right humerus, proximal region and distal end of left ulna, distal end of left radius, proximal region of a metacarpal, partial ilia, proximal end of left pubis, distal end of both pubes, partial left ischium, both partial femora, almost complete left tibia, distal end of right tibia, partial left half of fibula, partial fibular shave, and some possible metatarsal shaft fragments.


= Pseudolagosuchus major ARCUCCI, 1987
Etymology: Latin, major, "greater."

Holotype: PVL 4629

Locality: Los Chanares, Department Lavalle, La Rioja Province, Argentina.

Horizon: Los Chanares Formation.


Age: Ladinian Stage, Upper Mid Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.

Material: Dorsal centra, ribs, pubis, femur, tibia, fibula, astragalus and calcaneum.

Referred material:

PVL 3454: Distal end of femur, distal end of tibia and fibula, astragalus, incomplete metatarsals, 2 sacral vertebrae and an ilium.

MACN 18954: 3 vertebrae, dorsals, 5 caudals, distal end of femur, distal end of tibia and fibula, astragalus and calcaneum.

PULR 053: Distal end of tibia and fibula, proximal end of tarsals, and centra.