Genus: Pectinodon CARPENTER, 1982
Etymology: Latin, pectin- (pecten), "comb" and Greek, odon, "tooth": Comb tooth.
Species: bakkeri CARPENTER, 1982
Etymology: In honor of Robert Bakker.
= Troodon bakkeri (CARPENTER, 1982) OLSHEVSKY, 1991
Holotype: UCM 38455
Locality: UCMP V-5711, Bushy Tailed Blowout, Quarry area includes the floor of a small blowout approximately 10 yards northwest of the highest point on the ridge forming the northeastern side of the blowouts of loc. V-5003, S 1/2, Sec. 20, T37N, R64W, Lance Creek, Powder River Basin, Niobrara County, Wyoming.
Horizon: Lance Formation.
Age: Lancian age, upper Maastrichtian Stage, uppermost Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Tooth of a baby.
UCM 38466: Tooth of a baby.
Referred material:
AMNH 27118, 21874, 27117: Teeth.
Locality: UCMP V-5815, Hatcher Number 2, western side of a cross-stratified sandstone erosional remnant near the center of a large blowout on the crest of a ridge, the distance form the nearest point on the road, approximately 150 yards south of the quarry, to the Johnson ranch is 0.4 miles, Eastern Wyoming.
Horizon: Lance Formation.
Age: Lancian age, upper Maastrichtian Stage, uppermost Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
UCMP 73098, 125239: Teeth of a baby.
Locality: UCMP V-5620, Lull Quarry, near the head of a tributary of Buck Creek, Powder River Basin, Niobrara County (Formerly Converse County), Wyoming.Horizon: Lance Formation.
Age: Lancian age, upper Maastrichtian Stage, uppermost Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
UCMP 125240-125247: Teeth of adults.
STEIN, 2021
Locality: Tooth Draw Deposit, Butte County, South Dakota.
Horizon: Hell Creek Formation.
Age: Lancian age, upper Maastrichtian Stage, uppermost Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
TD-13-169: Tooth.
Number: Not given: Teeth.