Genus: Piveteausaurus TAQUET & WELLES, 1977
Etymology: In honor of Jean Piveteau (1899-1991), French Paleontologist and Greek, sauros, "lizard" Piveteau’s lizard.

Species: diveseneis (WALKER, 1964) TAQUET & WELLES, 1977
Etymology: In reference to Marnes de Dives, Normandy, France.
= Streptospondylus PIVETAU, 1923
= Eustreptospondylus divesensis WALKER, 1964
= Proceratosaurus diveseneis (WALKER, 1964) PAUL, 1988

Holotype: MNHN 1920-7

Locality: Dives, Normandy, Marnes de Dives, France.

Horizon: Marnes de Dives.


Age: Late Callovian Stage, Upper Dogger Epoch, Late Middle Jurassic.

Material: Fragmentary skull.