Genus: Pneumatoraptor OSI, APESTEGUIA & KOWALEWSKI, 2010
Etymolgoy: Greek, pneumat, "air" and Greek, raptor, "robber." Refering to the pneumatic construction of the scapulocoracoid.
Species: fodori OSI, APESTEGUIA & KOWALEWSKI, 2010
Etymology: In honor of Geza Fodor, who provided a generous support during
the early stages of the Iharkut field works.
Locality: Iharkut, Bakony Mountains, western Hungary.
Horizon: Csehbanya Formation, Gosau Group.
Age: Early Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
A) Latrial; B) Ventral; C) Dorsal; D) Anterior view.
Material: Nearly complete left scapulacoracoid.
Referred material:
= Paraves indet or Pneumatoraptor OSI & BUFFETAUT, 2011
MTM PAL 2011.18: Right tibiotarsus.
MTM PAL 2011.19: Metacarpal III of the left? manus.