Species: triassicus E. FRAAS, 1913
Etymology: In referrence to the Triassice, the age it is from.
= Hallopus celerrimus E. FRAAS, 1912 (nomen nudum)
Holotype: SMNS 12591
Locality: Quarry Burrer on the North Slope of the St. near Pfaffenhoffen, north of Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg State, Germany.
Horizon: Middle Stubensandsetin.
Age: Middle Norian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
Material: Fragmentary skull, cervicals, 14 dorsals, 13 caudals, both pubes,
a fragment of right ischium?, the right hindlimb, fragment of the left tibia,
left radius, ulna and partial manus, the right scapulocaoracoid.
Note: Paleopathology, right fibula has a peculiar twisiting (TANKE & ROTHSCHILD,
From Huene, 1921.
Note: The second skull referred to Procompsognathus triassicus (SMNS 12352)
is now referred to Saltoposuchus connectens SERENO & WILD, 1992 (emend