Species: cictorrensis SANTOS-CUBEDO, SANTISTEBAN, PO & MESEGUER, 2023
Etymology: In reference to the town where the type material was
found, Cinctorres.
Holotype: 8ANA-190, 3ANA83, 4ANA43, 4ANA69, 4ANA76, 5ANA78
Locality: ANA site near Cinctorres (approximately 2 km), Castellon Province, Spain.
Horizon: Arcillas de Morella Formation.
Age: Late Barremian Stage, Early Gallic Subepoch, Middle Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
8ANA-190: Fragment of right maxilla.
Skull of Protathlitis cictorrensis modified from SANTOS-CUBEDO, SANTISTEBAN, PO & MESEGUER, 2023
3ANA83, 4ANA43, 4ANA69, 4ANA76, 5ANA78: 5 caudal vertebrae.
Skeleton of Protathlitis cictorrensis modified from SANTOS-CUBEDO, SANTISTEBAN, PO & MESEGUER, 2023
Referred material:
4ANA-11: A left mandibular tooth or a right maxilary tooth.