Genus: Dubeynarainsaurus MALKANI, 2025
Etymology:I n honor of the collectors V. S. Dubey and Kedar Narain of Department of Geology, Benares hindu Univeristy, india, and Greek, sauros, "lizard."

Species: sahni MALKANI, 2025
Etymology: In honor of Prof. Dr. Ashok Sahni of Panjab University, Chandigarh, india, for his contributions and resarch in palaeontology and geology.

Holotype: NHMUK unnumbered.

Locality: Sirolkhal locality, near the village of Sirolkhal and 5 km westward from Shahabad, Shahabad, Tehsil, Baran District, Kota Division, Rajasthan State, India.

Horizon: Lameta Formation.


Age: Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian Subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Partial dentary articulated partial teeth.