Genus: Scipionyx SASSO & SIGNORE, 1998
Etymology: Scipio, Latin male name, dedicated to Scipione Breislak, who first described the Pietraroia Plattenkalk, and Publius Cornelius Scipo (nicknamed africanus), consul militaris of the Roman Army, who fought in the Mediterranean area, onyx (Greek), claw.

Species: samniticus SASSO & SIGNORE, 1998
Etymology: Latin, samniticus, "of Samnium," ancient name of the region including the Benevento Province, Italy.
= New genus CAPONE, 1993/LEONARDI & TERUZZI, 1993

Holotype: Soprintendeza Archeologica, Salerno, SBA-SA 163760

Locality: La Cavere Quarry, Ciro, Pietraroja (Pietraolia), 41°20'52.18"N, 14°32'53.33"E, Benvenento Province, Italy.

Horizon: "Calcari selciferi e ittiolitiferi di Pietrorja" Formation, Upper Palttenkalk horizon.


Age: Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: Skull and skeleton missing feet and tip of tail of a juvenile.
Note: Intestine and trachea? impressions. Has a furcula.


Note: Stomach contents; A teleostian fish fragments, clupeomorph-like fish, lepidosaurian reptile, posterior leg and part of the vertebral colun of another reptile, possibly a lizard and smlaler vertebrates of uncertain affinities.