Genus: Tameryraptor KELLERMANN, CUESTA & RAUHUT, 2025
Etymology: Informal ancient Egyptian name for Egypt, ta-mery, “beloved land” and Latin, raptor, “theif”; theif from the beloved land".
Species: markgrafi KELLERMANN, CUESTA & RAUHUT, 2025
Etymology: In honor of Richard Markgraf, the Austrian fossil collector who discovered most of the dinosaur remains described by Stromer.
= Carcharodontosaurus saharicus STROMER, 1931 (referred material)
Holotype: SNSB-BSPG 1922 X 46 (now destroyed)
Locality: 2 kilometers from Ain Gedid on the Western foot fo the Gebel Harra, Egypt.
Note: Marsa Matruh, Baharije Basin, Egypt, North Africa (CHURE, 2000)
Horizon: Baharija Formation.
Age: Cenomanian Stage, Uppermiddle Gallic Subepoch, Lowermost Gulf Epoch, Middle Cretaceous.
Material: Left and right maxilla, both nasals, parts of the braincase and endocast of the braincae, 3 cervical vertebrae, an anterior to anterior mid-caudal vertebra, chevron, the proximal part of a dorsal rib, a left ischium, right and left pubis, both femora and a left fibula.