Genus: Zhenyuanlong LÜ, & BRUSATTE, 2015
Etymology: In honor of Mr. Zhenyuan Sun,
secured the specimen for study and Chinese Pinyin, long, "dragon."
Species: suni LÜ, & BRUSATTE,
Etymology: In honor of Mr. Zheyuan Sun,
secured the specimen for study.
Holotype: JPM-0008
Locality: Sihedang, Jianchang County, Liaoning Province, China.
Horizon: Yixian Formation.
Age: Aptain Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Late Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Material: Nearly com;lete skull and skeleton.
Zhenyualong suni (modified from LÜ, & BRUSATTE, 2015), Holotype: JPM-0008.
Note: With feather impressions.