Genus: Ahdeskatanka COSSETTE & TARAILO, 2024
Etymology: Dakota,Ahdeskatanka, “alligator": in reference to the species occurrence in lands currently and historically inhabited by Dakota language speaking peoples.
Species: russlanddeutsche COSSETTE & TARAILO, 2024
Etymology: From German russlanddeutsche, "Germans from Russia", to acknowledge ethnic Germans who left the Russian Empire during the last decades of the 19th century and today call central and western North Dakota home.
Holotype: YPM VPPU.016990
Locality: Turtle Valley site, SW ¼, Sec. 16, T138N, R98W, Stark County, North Dakota.
Horizon: Uppermost Golden Valley Formation.
Age: Wastachian, Late Paleocene/Early Eocene Epoch, Paleogene Period, Lower Tertiary Subera, Lower Cenozoic Era.
Material: Nearly complete skull, isolated mandibular elements.
Referred material:
YPM VPPU.016902: Large left dentary, medium right dentary, small right dentary.
YPM VPPU.016996: Right and left dentaries.
YPM VPPU.030620: Left premaxilla.
YPM VPPU.030621: Left dentary.
YPM VPPU.030623: Left surangular.