Species: darrowi WILLIS, MURRAY & MEGIRIAN, 1990
Holotype: NTM P8695-8
Locality: Blast Site, Bullock Creek, Camfield Beds, located '16 miles southeast of Camfield Homestead in north central Northern Territory, Northwestern Queensland State, Australia.
Age: Middle Miocene Epoch, Lower Neogene Period, Upper Tertiary Subera, Middle Cenozoic Era.
Material: Nearly complete skull missing the skull roof, frontals, parietals, postorbital and squamosals and basicranium.
NTM P87103-11: Left squamosal, quadrate and opisthotic of a juvenile.
Referred material:
NTM P87103-12: Right maxilla of a juvenile.
NTM P8697-2: Right jugal.
Locality: D-Site, Riversleigh, Northwestern Queensland State, Australia.
Age: Upper Oligocene Epoch, Upper Paleogene Period, Upper Tertiary Subera, Middle Cenozoic.
NTM P8778: Right posterior mandible fragment, right posterior skull fragment preserving the lateral temporal fenstra, right pterygoid, ectopterygoid and posterior region of maxilla.
NTM P8681-14: Left mandible lacking the articular and adjacent angular and surangular posterior to the lateral foramen and a small portion of the dentary at the level of the third tooth.
NTM P8738-1: Right jugal, pterygoid, ectopterygoid and posterior maxilla and an associated dentary fragment.
QM F16822: Premaxilla and anterior portion of left maxilla retaining 14 teeth.
Referred material:
QM F16823: Jugal fragment.
QM F16824: Premaxillary fragment.
QM F16825, F16826: Right dentary.
SAM P27866
Locality: Pancake Site, Riversleigh, Northern Queensland State, Australia.
Age: Upper Oligocene Epoch, Upper Paleogene Period, Upper Tertiary Subera,
Middle Cenozoic.
Material: Right premaxilla.
QM F16826
Locality: Site Y, Bullock Creek, Northern Queensland State, Australia.
Age: Middle Miocene Epoch, Lower Neogene Period, Upper Tertiary Subera, Middle Cenozoic Era.
Material: Right mandible fragments.
Species: wickeni WILLIS, 1997
Etymology: In honor of Tony Wicken, University of NSW, for supportin the Riversleigh Reseach Project.
Holotype: QMF16822
Locality: Site D, Riversleigh World Heritage Area, Northwestern Queensland, Australia.
Horizon: System D.
Biostratigraphy: Riversleigh Faunal Zone A.
Age: Late Oligocene Epoch, Upper Paleogene Period, Lower Tertiary Sub-era, Early Cenozoic Era.
Material: Associated posterior cervical and lumbar vertebrae and a calcancum.
QMF31079: Anterior portionof mandibles.
QMF16823: Jugal fragment.
QMF16724: Premaxillary fragmetns.
QMF16825: Right denary.
QMF16727: Right dentary.
NTM P8738-1: Posterior right skull fragmetn and associated right anterior dentary fragment.
NTMP8681-24: Left mandible lacking the articular and adjacent angular and surangular posterior to the lateral foramen and a small portion of the detnary at teh level of the third tooth.
NTM P8738-1: Right jugal, pteryoigd, ectopterygoid and posterior maxilla and assocaited dentary fragment.
Locality: White Hunter Site, Riversleigh World Heritage Area, Northwestern Queensland, Australia.
Biostratigraphy: Riversleigh Faunal Zone A.
Age: Late Oligocene Epoch, Upper Paleogene Period, Lower Tertiary Sub-era, Early Cenozoic Era.
QMF31071, 31072: Posterior portion of large mandibles.
QMF31073: Anterior dentary fragment.