Genus: Iharkutosuchus OSI, CLARK & WEISHAMPEL, 2007
Etymology: In reference ot the locality Iharkut, Bakony
Mountains, Hungary and Greek, souchos, 'crocodile'
referring to the Egyptian crocodile-headed god.
Species: makadii OSI, CLARK & WEISHAMPEL, 2007
Etymology: In honor of Laszlo Makadi, in recognation of his helpful work in
the Iharkut Research Program.
= Genus: Nova OSI, 2004, OSI, CLARK & WEISHAMPEL, 2005
Holotype: MTM 2006.52.1
Locality: A bauxite mine at Iharkut, near the village of Bakonyjako, Bakony Mountains, Hungary.
Horizon: Csehbanya Formation.
Age: Santonian Stage, Lower Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Nearly complete skull.
Iharkutosuchus makadii (modified from Osi et al. 2007).
MTM 2006.53.1: Nearly complete skull.
MTM 2006.54.1-2006.56.1: 3 fragmentary skulls.
MTM 2006.57.1, 2006.65.1, 2006.66.1: 3 skull fragments.
MTM 2006.67.1: Parietale.
MTM 2006.68.1, 2006.79.1: 2 frontale.
MTM 2006.69.1: Supraoccipitale.
MTM 2006.70.1: Right angulare.
MTM 2006.73.1: Left premaxilla.
MTM 2006.77.1: Left squamosum.
MTM 2006.58.1-2006.64.1, 2006.71.1, 2006.72.1, 2006.74.1-2--6.76.1: 12 fragmentary mandibles.
MTM 2006.78.1: Right surangulare.
MTM 2006.80.1: 148 isolated teeth.
Referred material:
OSI, BODOR, MAKADI & RABI, 2016 (published 2015)
Locality: Ajka coal beds, Bakony Mountains, Western Hungary.
Horizon: Ajka Coal Formation.
Age: Santonian Stage, Middle Senonian subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Middle Late Cretaceous.
MTM VER 2015.24: 2 isolated teeth.