Genus: Boothiaspis BROAD, 1973
Etymology: Referring to the occurrence of the genus in rocks flanking the Boothia Arch and Greek, aspis, "sheild."

Species: alata BROAD, 1973
Etymology: Latin, alatus, "winged," referring to the extreme developemnt of lateal wings.

Holotype: NMC 12770

Locality: Locality C-10550, Somerset Island, Northwest Territories Province, Canada.

Horizon: Lower part Peel Sound Formation.


Age: ?Late Silurian to Early Devonian.

Material: Dorsal shield.


NMC 12767

Locality: Lower locality C-10045, Prince of Wales Island, Northwest Territories Province, Canada.

Horizon: Lower part Peel Sound Formation.


Age: ?Late Silurian to Early Devonian.

Material: Dorsal shield.


NMC 12738

Locality: Locality C-6462, Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories Province, Canada.

Horizon: Devon Island Formation.


Age: ?Late Silurian to Early Devonian.

Material: Dorsal shield.


Species: angusta BROAD, 1973
Etymology: Latin, angustus, "narrow," referring to the slender proportions of the dorsal shield.

Holotype: NMC 12760

Locality: Locality C-10045, Prince of Wales Island, Northwest Territories Province, Canada.

Horizon: Lower part Peel Sound Formation.


Age: ?Late Silurian to Early Devonian.

Material: Incomplete shield.


NMC 12777, 12782, 12783: Incomplete dorsal shield.

NMC 12788: Entire ventral shield.


Species: ovata BROAD, 1973
Etymology: Latin, ovatus, "oval," referring to the outline of the dorsal shield.

Holotype: NMC 12778

Locality: Locality C-10045, Prince of Wales Island, Northwest Territories Province, Canada.

Horizon: Lower part Peel Sound Formation.


Age: ?Late Silurian to Early Devonian.

Material: Entire dorsal shield.


NMC 12766, 12775, 12779-12780, 12785, 12789, 12790, 12913: Fragmentary dorsal shields.


NMC 12773

Locality: Near locality C-10049, Somerset Island, Northwest Territories Province, Canada.

Horizon: Read Bay Formation.


Age: ?Late Silurian to Early Devonian.

Material: Entire dorsal shield.


NMC 12790

Locality: Near locality C-10552, Somerset Island, Northwest Territories Province, Canada.

Horizon: Read Bay Formation.


Age: ?Late Silurian to Early Devonian.

Material: Fragmentary dorsal shield.