= Corvelolepis? sp. cf. C? graticulata BLIECK & KARATAJUTE-TALIMAA, 2001
= Corvaspis KURIK et al, 1982 (p. 69)
= Corvaspis graticulata DINLEY, KARATAJUTE-TALIMAA, 1983 (p. 27)
= Coraspis sp KARATAJUTE-TALIMAA et al, 1986 (p. 256)
= Coravaspis sp cf. graticulata KARATAJUTE-TALIMAA & BLIECK, 1999 (p. 129,
table 20)
= Corvaspis sp. cf. C. graticulata BLIECK & KARATAJUTE-TALIMAA (in press,
fig. 4)
Locality: Locality 4-11, along the left bank of Matusevich River, central October Revolution Island, Severnaya Zemlya, Artic.
Horizon: Pod-emnaya Formation.
Age: Upper Lochkovian Stage, Early Devonian Epoch, Early Devonian.
LIG 35-405, 35-954, 35-955, 35-543 and slides no. 1292, 1299: Fragments of shields.
LIG 35-404: Small fragment of an orbital region.
Locality: Locality 40-24, along a right tributary of Spokojnaya River, central October Revolution Island, Severnaya Zemlya, Artic.
Horizon: Pod-emnaya Formation.
Age: Upper Lochkovian Stage, Early Devonian Epoch, Early Devonian.
LIG 35-956: Fragment of shield.
Locality: GSC 69017, 63°25’N, 128°00’W, west of Natla River, Northwest Territories Province, Canada.
Horizon: 38m above the base of the Delorme Formation.
Age: Late Silurian or Early Devonian.
NMC 19951, 19952, 19954: Ventral shield fragments.
NMC 19957: Posterior and posterolateral margin of median plate.
NMC 19953, 19955: Indeterminate fragments.
Note: Brackish water lagoon.