Locality: GSC 81051, Exact co-ordinates unknown, Broken Skull River, Northwest Territories Province, Canada.
Horizon: Whittaker Formation, in transitional facies between the Delorme and Road River Formations.
Age: Early Dittonian, Lower Pragian Stage, Early Devonian.
NMC 13216, 19505, 19509, 19542, 19544: Isolated dorsal shield.
NMC 19552, 19554, 19601: Isolated ventral scute.
Note: Brakish water lagoon.
Locality: GSC 69014, 62?33’N, 127?45’W, south-west limb of the Grizzly Bear anticline, Northwest Territories Province, Canada.Horizon: 260m above the top of the Whittaker Formation, in transitional facies between the Delorme and Road River Formations.
Age: Dittonian, Lower Pragian Stage, Early Devonian.
NMC 19500-19501, 19503-19504, 19510, 19512-19513, 19515-19516, 19518-19519, 19521-19522, 19524-19525, 19527, 19532-19534, 19537, 19539-19541, 10543, 10545, 10549, 19555, 19577-19578, 19508, 19597, 19605, 19608, 19644, 19646, 19654, 19656, 19666: Isolated dorsal shields.
NMC 13215, 19550, 19557-19558, 19568-19569, 19585-19587, 19606: Isolated vental shields.
NMC 12883, 13054, 13134, 13187-13189, 13196-13200, 13209, 19556, 19561, 19566-19567, 19570, 19572-19573, 19581, 19588, 19595, 19603, 19612, 19614, 19616, 19619, 19647, 19648, 21500-21501: 28 articualted specimens (largely scales.
Note: Brackish water lagoon.