Genus: Pirumaspis ILYES & ELLIOTT, 1994
Etymology: Latin, pirum, “pear”, and Greek, aspis, “sheild”: referrein to the pear-shaped dorsal disk.

Species: lancasteri ILYES & ELLIOTT, 1994
Etymology: In honor of G. Lancaster, who found hte first specimen of this form.

Holotype: FMNH-PF 14108

Locality: Sevy Dolomite, near Ely, White Pince County, east-central Nevada.



Age: Early Devonian.

Material: Dorsal shield.

Referred material:

FMNH-PF 14109: Incomplete ventral disk.

FMNH-PF 14110: Cornual plate.

FMNH-PF 14111-14118: 8 body scales.