Species: mutabilis (BROTZEN, 1934) HALSTEAD TARLO, 1964
= Lophosteus mutabilis BROTZEN, 1934
Lectotype: (not given)
Horizon: Rauhen Bergen, near Steglitz, Steglitz-Zehlendorf County, Berlin State, Germany.
Horizon: Beyrichienkalk.
Biostratigraphy: Traquairaspiz zone.
Age: Gedinnian, Lochkovian Stage, Lower Early Devonian Epoch, Early Devonian.
Material: Fragment of tessera.
Referred material:
= Lophaspis crenulata BROTZEN, 1947
Species: tessellata WILLS, 1935
Lectotype: Geological Museum, University of Birmingham, 113
Locality: Earnstrey Hall, Clee Hills, Shropshire County, England.
Horizon: Ditton Group.
Biostratigraphy: Traquairaspis symondsi zone.
Age: Lower Dittonian, Gedinnian, Lochkovian Stage, Lower Early Devonian Epoch, Early Devonian.
Material: Part of tessellated carapace probably dorsal.
Species: toombsi HALSTEAD TARLO, 1964
Etymology: In honor of Mr. H. A. Toombs, of the British Museum of Natural History,
Holotype: BMNH P 29621-P.29625, P. 29683
Locality: Mad Bay, Skokholm Island Pembrokeshire, Wales, Southern United Kingdom.
Age: Lower Dittonian, Gedinnian, Lochkovian Stage, Lower Early Devonian Epoch, Early Devonian.
Material: Part of tessellated carapace.
Species: orivgi HALSTEAD TARLO, 1964
Etymology: In honor of Dr. T. Orvig of the Swedish Museum of Natural History,
Holotype: Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, C. 1727
Locality: Jagielnica strata, Podolia, Ukrine.
Horizon: Upper Czortkov beds.
Biostratigraphy: Traquairaspis zone.
Age: Gedinnian, Lochkovian Stage, Lower Early Devonian Epoch, Early Devonian.
Material: Fragment of tessera.
Species: denisoni HALSTEAD TARLO, 1964
Etymology: In honor of Dr. R. H. Denison of the Chicago Museum of Natural History.
Holotype: Geological Museum, Princeton University, New Jersey, P.U. 17096
Locality: Beaver River, South-east Yukon Province, Canada.
Age: Ludlovian Epoch, Late Silurian.
Material: Fragment of tessera.
Species: talimaae HALSTEAD TARLO, 1965
Etymology: In honor of Dr. V. Karatajute-Talimaa of the Geological Institute
of Vilnius.
= Traquairaspis sp KARATJUTE-TALIMAA, 1962
Holotype: Geological Institute, No. 5-1199
Locality: Borehole at 540m, Krekenava, Lithuania.
Biostratigraphy: Traquairaspis zone.
Age: Lower Dittonian, Gedinnian, Lochkovian Stage, Lower Early Devonian Epoch, Early Devonian.
Material: Tesserae.