Ichnogenus: Paracorpulentapus XING, LOCKLEY, ZHANG, KLEIN, KIM, PERSONS IV, MATSUKAWA, YU, LI CHEN & HU, 2014
Etymology: Greek, para, "near" + Corpulentapus, a therpod ichnotaxon intrude by Li et al, 2011

Ichnospecies: zhangsanfengi XING, LOCKLEY, ZHANG, KLEIN, KIM, PERSONS IV, MATSUKAWA, YU, LI CHEN & HU, 2014
Etymology: In honor of Zhang Sanfeng who was a legnedary Chinese Taoist, according to local superstition the racks were the palm print left by him or other mythical Taoist figures.

Holotype: In situ, XHT-30 (CU Denver replica 214, 29 and CU tracing T 572)

Locality: Xiaohutian tracksite, Huangshan City, Anhui Province, China.

Horizon: Xiaoyan Formation.


Age: Late Cretaceous.

Material: A complete pes track.


In situ: XHT-28, 29, 31: In the same trackway as the holotype.