Ichnogenus: Paravipus MUDROCH, RICHTER, JOGER, KOSMA, IDE & MAGA, 2011
Etymology: From the taxon Paraves, and Greek, pans, "foot."

Species: didactyloides MUDROCH, RICHTER, JOGER, KOSMA, IDE & MAGA, 2011
Etymology: Greek, di, "two," Greek, daktylos, "finger or toe"; meaning Paravipus with a two toed appearance.

Holotype: NMB-1887-Sp

Locality: Plains southwest of Agadez (Irhazer wan Agades), in the Rural RCommunity of Aderbissinat, Thirozerine Department, Agades Region, Republic of Niger.

Horizon: Base of the Irhazer-Group ('Argiles de I'Lrhazer' or Irhazer Shale).


Age: Middle Jurassic.

Material: Resin mold of a silicon cast of right footrpint No. 2 of Trackway B (composed of 32 consecutive footprints).

Referred material:

In situ: 120 exceptionally well preserved didactyl tracks.