Ichnogenus: Synaptichnium non NOPCSA, 1923

Ichnospecies: senkowiczowae NIEDZWIEDZKI & PTASZYNSKI, 2007
Etymology: In honor of Hanna Senkowiczowa, expert on the Triassic of Poland.

Holotype: MPTS 2612A

Locality: Right bank of Swislina River, Wiory, near Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski, Swietokrzyskie (Holy Cross) Mountains, Poland.

Horizon: Wiory Formation, Labyrinthodontid beds.

Horizon: Labyrinthodontid beds.


Age: Middle Buntsandstein, Scythian Epoch, Early Triassic.

Material: Right pes imprint.

Referred material:

MPTS 2611: Fragmentary trackway.

MPTS 2612B: Sed of pes and manus imprints.

MPTS 2613: Left pes imprint.

MPTS 2614: Right pes imprints.

Muz. PIG OS-220/253 (plaster cast): Large slab with poorly preserved tracks.

Muz. PIG OS-220/255 (plater cast): Poorly preserd pes imprint.

Muz. PIG OS-220/256: Left pes imprint.

Muz. PIG OS-220/257: Poorly preserved set of pes and manus imprint.

Muz. PIG 0S-220/258 (plaster cast): Left pes imprint.

In situ: set of pes and manus imprints, poorly preserved material.