Genus: Excalibosaurus McGOWAN, 1986
Etymology: Excalibur, a legendary sword and Greek, sauros, “lizard”: Excalibur lizard.

Species: costini McGOWAN, 1986
= Eurhinosaurus costini (McGOWAN, 1986) MAISCH & MATZKE, 2000

Holotype: BRSMG Cc881

Locality: The foreshore near Lilstock, Somerset County, England, Southern United Kingdom.

Horizon: Blue Lias Formation.

Biostratigraphy: A. bucklandi biozone.

Age: Sinemurian Stage, Lower Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.

Material: Skull, forefin, pectoral girdle, vertebrae and ribs.

Referred material:

McGOWAN, 2003

Locality: The foreshore near Watchet, 6 miles west from the type, Somerset County, England, Southern United Kingdom.

Horizon: Blue Lias Formation.

Biostratigraphy: A. bucklandi biozone.

Age: Sinemurian Stage, Lower Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.


ROM VP 47697: Skull and nearly complete skeleton.