Species: brevirostris McGOWAN, 1995
Etymology: Latin, brevis, “short” and Latin rostrum, “snout”: “Short
Holotype: ROM 44629 (ROM 41993?) (Royal British Columbia Museum, RBCM EH 91.2.3)
Locality: Brown hill, GSC locality C-301269, on the north shore of the Peace Reach branch of Williston Lake, map reference UTM 10VET 072172, Hudson’s Hope, British Columbia Province, Canada.
Horizon: Pardont Formation.
Age: Early Norian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
Material: An incomplete skull and skeleton.
Referred material:
ROM 44633 (Royal British Columbia Museum, RPCM EH 91.2.4: A partial skeleton comprising two partial forefins, some unidentified elements that may be part of the pectoral girdle, 20 dorsal vertebrae and some ribs.
McGOWAN, 1997
ROM 1994-3/ROM 4463/RBCM EH 91.2.10: 43 articulated vertebrae, and a humerus.