Genus: Myobradypterygius HUENE, 1927
Etymology: Greek, mys, “muscle”, Greek, bradys “slow, heavy”, Greek, pterygion, “fin” + us: Muscular heavy-fin.

Species: hauthali HUENE, 1927
= Platypterygius hauthali (HUENE, 1927) McGOWAN, 1972
= Platypterygius (Longirostria) hauthali (HUENE, 1927) ARKHANGELSKY, 1998

Holotype: MLP 79-1-30-1

Locality: Cerro Rio Belgrano, Patagonia, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina.

Horizon: Rio Belgrano Formation.


Age: Barremian Stage, Neocomian Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: Humerus, and fragmentary paddle.

Referred material:


MLP 79-I-30-2: Slab with 2 different forefins on each side, 4 blocks with vertebral centra.



Locality: Estancia La Federica, southeast of San Martin Lake, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina.

Horizon: Lago San Martin Formation.


Age: Barremian Stage, Neocomian Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.


MLP 85-I-18-1: Vertebral centra.


Locality: Tyndall locality, Tyndall Glacier, Torres del Paine National Park, Southern Chile.



Age: Valanginian-Hauterivian Stage, Neocomian Subepoch- Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.


TY61: Fragmentary skull, 21 articulated and laterally exposed preflexural caudal central, distal section of 19 thoracic ribs articulated, a clavical, left and right scapula, a left coracoid, the left coracoid and scapula, left and right forefin articulated; left forefin; radius, ulna, intermedium, distal carpals, metacarpals, and distal phalanges articulated; Right forefin; distal phalanges articulated of an adult.

TY56: Premaxilla, nasal and naris in right lateal views, dentary, surangular and angular, complete articulated vertebral column in right latera view with 118 centra (46 presacrals, 39 preflexurals, 33 postflexurals) neural arches and spines articulated with their respective centra, 14 partially exposed chevrons in the postflexural vertebrae, 22 rigth articulated ribs with their proximal sections in matrix, about 37 right articulated ribs with their distal sections embedded in matrix, 30 partially embedded left gastralia, left and right clavicle, a cross-section of the interclavicle, a medial portion of a coracoid, right and left forefins articulated preserving the zeugo- and autopodial elements, a partially embedded and laterially exposed ilium, proximal section of a femur and two articulated phalanges, of a pregnant adult.
Embryo, a fragment of a very small vertebral column with 22 caudals.
Note: Intestinal content, fish remains.

TY38: Lacrimal, pterygoid, supraoccipital, both exoccipitals, basioccipital, basishpenoid, parashpenoid, ?prootic, unidentified partially embedded and disarticulated mandibular elements, atlas-axis complex, 61 articulated presacral and caudal centra, including neural arches, and spines, 42 articulated, partially embedded right thoracic ribs, 5 partially embedded and articualde gastralia, and portion of a coracoid of a juvenile.

= Platypterygius cf. hauthali TY11: Rostral elements, jugal, surangular, basioccipital and supraoccipital, 28 presacral vertebrae and 16 preflexural caudals, 2 cranial cervical centa with articulated neural arches ans spins, 65 thoracic ribs, articulated autopodial section o fthe ?left forefin with five ordinary two preaxial and two postaxial digits of an adult.

= Platypterygius cf. hauthali TY24: Right and left premaxilla, 11 disarticulated teeth, nasal, lacrimal, right pterygoid, palatine, vomer and articular, jugal, about 3 scleral plates, stapes and basisphenoid, atlax-axis, 17 articulated presacrals, 6 partically xposed neural arches and spines, 11 articulated and partially exposed left thoracic ribs, 7 right ribs, 15 partially expoed gastralia form the left side, left and right clavicle, scapula, left articulated forefin with zeugopodium and autopodiumright, disarticulated zeugo-and autopodium of a juvenile.

= Platypterygius cf. hauthali TY16: Right premaxilla, complete right and left mandibular, 28 teeth in situ, 18 central of unknown province in anterior view, autopodial portion with 27 phalanges partially embedded and partially articulated of a juvenile.
