Species: neubigi (SANDER, 1997) MAISCH & MATZKE, 2000
Etymology: In honor of the discoverer of the holotype, Mr. Bernd Neubigt of
Euerdorf, Franconia.
= Shastasaurus neubigi SANDER, 1997
= Shastasaurus nova SANDER & FARBER, 1994
Holotype: BSP 1992 I 39
Locality: Karlstadt/Main, TK 25 Karlstadt, sheet no. 6024, r. 53500/h. 31700, Franconia, Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.
Biostratigraphy: pulcher/robustus zone.
Age: Lower upper Muschelkalk, late Anisian Stage, Lower Mid Triassic Epoch, Middle Triassic.
Material: Partially associated skeleton preserved on 8 isolated rock slabs, some isolated phalanges.