Gen. sp indet
Locality: Mayer Farm Locality, near Humboldt, Richardson County, Nebraska.
Horizon: Eskridge Formation, Council Grove Group.
Age: Earliest Wolfcampian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
DMNH 39024: Partial skull and mandible.
DMNH 30925: Partial skull and mandibles.
DMNH 30926: Left maxilla and associated left dentary.
DMNH 30927: Anterior portion of skull.
DMNH 43145: Large left maxilla.
DMNH 45809: Anterior portion of skull and mandibles.
DMNH 46652: Left mandible.
DMNH 48295: Ilium.
DMNH 48296: Partial right mandible.
DMNH 49903: Left posterior skull region.
DMNH 50138: Premaxilla and associated partial forelimb.
DMNH 50139: Femur.
DMNH 50140: Partial pelvis and femur.
DMNH 50167: Partial skull preserving the circumorbital region.
DMNH 50396: Humerus.
USNM 32141: Right dentary.