Species: perfectus (CASE, 1922) BRANSON & MEHL, 1929
= Buettneria perfecta CASE, 1922
Holotype: UCMP 7475
Locality: Breaks of Sand Creek, just south of Cedar Mountain, Crosby County, Texas.
Horizon: Tecovas Member, Dockum Formation.
Age: Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
Material: Skull.
UCMP 7469: Left mandibular ramus.
UCMP 7503: Lower jaw.
UCMP 7265, 7364, 7366-7368, 7448, 7449: Incterclavicles, clavicles, and other miscellaneous bones.
Referred material:
UMMP 7368: Interclavicle and humerus.
UCMP 14240, UCMP 14241: Interclavicles.
UCMP 12887: Interclavicle and clavicles.
UCMP 8854, UCMP 21326: Skulls.
UCMP 113554, YPM 1957/14, 1957/7: Fragmentary skulls.
DOYLE & SUES, 1995
Locality: Little Conewago Creek at Zions View, the State Museum of Pennsylvania locality 159, UTM 4434357N, 349333E, zone 18, Gettysburg basin, York County, Pennsylvania.
Horizon: New Oxford Formation, Newark Supergroup.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
SMP VP-44: Complete skull (SULLIVAN, LUCAS & RANDALL, 1995).
SMP VP-515: Skull.
SMP VP-37: Part of a lower jaw.
FORD, 2000
Locality: Unknown, Arizona.
Horizon: Unknown.
Material: Late Triassic.
MSM P2247: Skull and fragmentary skeleton.
Atlas in cranial view (Left); Middle and Right atlas, axis and first cervical vertebrae in ventral and dorsal views.
Last cervical and dorsals 1-6 in dorsal (Top) and lateral (Bottom) views.
Dorsals 7-11 in dorsal (Top) and caudal (Bottom) views.
Caudals 1-8 in lateral (Top) ventral (Middle) and cranial (Bottom) views.
Top incorrect illustration with a Hellabender style of skin; Bottom correct illustration of a scaley skin.
Two possible feeding of metoposaurs.
Locality: Locality PFV 215, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
PEFO 35392: Skull and 2 intercertra from a juvenile.
PEFO 36874b: 2 intracentra.
PEFO 16696c: Intracentra.
Locality: Locality PFV 122, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Blue Mesa Member, Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
PEFO 38726: Intra centra.
Locality: Locality PFV 040, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Blue Mesa Member, Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
PEFO 38645: Intra centra.
Locality: Lot’s Wife Area, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Sonsela Member, Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
PEFO37123 accesion as LACM 154866: Skull.
Locality: Potter County, Texas.
Horizon: Dockum Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 13167: Skull.
Locality: NMMNH locality-3845, Snyder Quarry, Near Ghost Ranch, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico.
Horizon: Upper Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Revueltian, Early Norian Substage, Early Norian Epoch, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
NMMNH P-29989: Vertebral centrum.
NMMNH P-29169, P-33114: Teeth.
NMMNH P-31653: Incomplete chevron.
HECKERT, LUCAS & ESTEP, 1999Locality: MNA locality 491, encompasses all MNA collections made from an area 3 to 4 miles east of Cameron and in the general vicinity of Tanner’s Crossing, approximately 2.5 miles southeast of Cameron, Cocconino County, Arizona.
Horizon: Shinarump Formation, but all the better material was probably found in the Cameron Formation, Lower Chinle Group.
Age: Upper Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Traissic.
Number: Not given: A well preserved skull, interclavicle, and right and left clavicles.
Locality: MNA 491, “east” of Cameron, areal locality that is possibly represented by three localites, “four miles [6.4 km] est of Cameron”, “three miles [4.8 km] east of Cameron”, “near Tanner’s Crossing [approximatel y 2.5 miles (4.0 km) southeast of Cameron]”, Coconino County, Arizona.
Horizon: Cameron Formation, Lower Chinle Group.
Age: Otischalkian/Adamanian, Late Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
MNA V.701: Skull.
MNA V.705: Left clavicle.
MNA V.706: Interclavicle.
MNA V.707 : Partial left clavicle.
HUNT, 1993
Locality: NMMNH L1178, Lamy Quarry, Santa Fe County, New Mexico.
Horizon: Garita Creek Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Adamanian, Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
MCZ 1674: Large slab containing many skulls and dissociated postcrania.
AMNH 2994, CM 9547: Skulls.
Holotype Heterodontichnites hunti: NMMNN P-18111
Material: A tooth marked Buettneria perfecta clavical fragment
Locality: Wyoming.
Horizon: Popo Agie Formation.
Age: Otischalkian, Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UM 504-505, 527, 537, 517: Skulls.
Locality: Feuerbache Heide, Germany.
Age: Late Triassic.
NHM (BMNH)R 37938: Large piece of skull.
Locality: Otis Chalk, Quarry 2, Texas.Horizon:
Age: Late Triassic.
TMM 31100-122, 31220-1, 31100-47: Complete or nearly complete skull.
Locality: Sierrita de la Cruz, Texas.
Age: Late Triassic.
WT 3055: Skull.
PPU uncatalogued: Dorsal centra, caudal centrum, articulated interclavicle and clavicals.
PPM Uncatalogued caudal centrum.
WT 3132:
Locality: Northwest of Dinosaur National Monument, Unitah County, Utah.
Horizon: Popo Agie Formation.
Age: Otischalkian, Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
Number: Not given: Fragment of a large interclavicle and skull or pectoral girdle fragments.
HUNT & LUCAS, 1993
Locality: Camp Butte N1, Dinosaur Wash, Dying Grounds, General Blue Forest Area of C. L. Camp, PEFO 085025 (UCMP V7038, MNA 302:8, SMU 228, PF122), on line between NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 and NW 1.4 of NE 1/, Sec. 26, T 18N, Blue Mesa W Area, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Blue Mesa Member, Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 26721: Clavicle.
UCMP 26695, 26696, 27089: Skulls.
PEFO 34036: A very small interclavicle.
Locality: Second Forest (Crystal Forest), PEFO 085076 (UCMP V7037, MNA 302:93, PF172), Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Blue Mesa Member, Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 37756: Skull Fragment.
Locality: Phytosaur Basin of C. L Camp., PEFO 085023 (UCMP V7039, MNA 302:101, PF120), in Blue Mesa W Area, NW 1/4 of SE 1/4, Sec. 26, T 18N, R 24 E, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Blue Mesa Member, Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 27005: 2 intercentra.
Locality: Phytosaur Basin E, PEFO 085024 (UCMP 7040, MNA 302:101, PF 121), in Blue Mesa siltstone of Self (1965) at very top of siltstone just beneath Camp Butte Sandstone, Blue Mesa W Area, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Blue Mesa Member, Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 27009: Interclavicle.
Locality: Adamana 12 (UCMPBillings Gap of C. L. Camp), PEFO 085134 (UCMP Loc. 7043, MNA 302), probably NW 1/4 of SE 1/4, Sec. 31, T 18N, R 24E, 6 and 3/4 miles due SE of Adamana, in Apache County, Arizona. About 1 1/2 miles east of the NE corner of the Petrified Forest National Monument, East Fork Dry Wash Area, or Dry Creek Tank Area, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Upper Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Early Norian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 27023: Interclavicle.
Locality: Base of Point of Bluff, PEFO 085060 (UCMP 7046, MNA 302:97, USNM 19, PF157),Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Blue Mesa Member, Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 27024: Skull.
Locality: 250 yards south of Lot’s Wife, Petrified Forest, Arizona.
Horizon: Blue Mesa Member, Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
PEFO 3003: Skull, Interclavicle and clavicle.
PEFO 71-29: Skull.
LONG & MURRY, 1995
Locality: Placerias quarry (UCMP A269, MNA 207C), Big Hollow Wash near Romero Springs, a small valley 6 1/2 miles (approximately 10.4 km) S 65"W of St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona. (Located 0.3 miles northwest of Romero Springs at approximately Long. 109'28'W and lat. 34"27'N on the USGS St. Johns quadrangle of 1921.)
Horizon: Bluewater Creek Formation, Lower Chinle Group.
Age: Adamanian, Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
Material: MNA Pl. 3039, 3045: Dermal bone fragments.
Also a nearly complete skull in MNA collection.
Locality: Downs Quarry (MNA Loc. 207N), approximately 72 m east of Placerias Quarry, Big Hollow Wash near Romero Spring, approximately 10.4 km southwest of St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
MNA PL. 2683, 2697: Dermal bone fragments.
MAN Pl. 2864: Plate.
MAN V3675: Vertebral centrum.
MNA Pl.2737: Portions of approximately one dozen centra of a very large metoposaur.
Note: Identified by Jacobs and Murry, 1980, P.64, as Placerias.
Locality: Big Hallow Wash South, (UCMP V80003), Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 27185: Miscellaneous weathered fragments.
Locality: ?Blue Hills 1, (UCMP 7307 and 7308), 3 miles NE of St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 27039, 27051, 27052, 27053, 37756: 5 skulls (plus 3 more)
And a large number of pectoral elements, etc.
Locality: Blue Hills 2 (UCMP 7309), St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 27058: Clavicle.
UCMP 27056: Centrum.
Locality: Blue Hills 3 (UCMP 7310), St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 27059: Interclavicle.
Locality: Big Hollow Wash North (USNM), Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
USNM 15837: Interclavicle.
USNM 15838: Fragmentary skull.
Locality: Kern Wash Area, Davis Ranch, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
AMNH (number not given): Skull.
Locality: Tepees Northwest, (UCMP Loc. V82273, PF 111d, 112), W 1/2 of NE 1/4, Sec. 24, T 18N, R 24E, in variegated siltstone bed, Tepees Area, Petrified Forest, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 130024: Miscellaneous plate fragments.
Locality: Camp Butte N (PF 131), Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
Numbers: Not given: Extensive concentration of material, left in field.
Locality: PEFO 085027 (UCMP V85236, MNA 302:116, SMU 230, PF124), Crocodile Hill (part of V7038), in variegated siltstone bed, Blue Mesa W Area, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 26732, 27103, 27089, 26695, 26715, 27073: Skulls.
And a large number o f pectoral elements.
Note: Greatest concentration of metoposaur material at the Petrified Forest National Park.
Locality: Phytosaur Basin of C. L Camp., PEFO 085023 (UCMP V7039, MNA 302:101, PF120), in Blue Mesa W Area, NW 1/4 of SE 1/4, Sec. 26, T 18N, R 24 E, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 27005, UCMP 27006: 2 Centra.
Locality: Phytosaur Basin E, PEFO 085024 (UCMP 7040, MNA 302:101, PF 121), in Blue Mesa siltstone of Self (1965) at very top of siltstone just beneath Camp Butte Sandstone, Blue Mesa W Area, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 27009: Interclavicle.
Locality: Tepees East, PEFO 085021 (UCMP V82257, PF118), NW 1/4 of NW 1/4, Sec. 24, T 18N, R 24E, in variegated siltstone bed, Blue Mesa W Area, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP: Interclavicle.
Locality: Camp Butte N1, Dinosaur Wash, Dying Grounds, General Blue Forest Area of C. L. Camp, PEFO 085025 (UCMP V7038, MNA 302:8, SMU 228, PF122), on line between NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 and NW 1.4 of NE 1/, Sec. 26, T 18N, Blue Mesa W Area, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 26708, 26707, 26695, 28715: Parts of 4 skulls and large number of pectoral fragments.
Locality: Blue Mesa NE 2, PEFO 085043 (UCMP V82235, MNA 302:73, PF143), Blue Mesa E Area, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 129812: Centrum.
Locality: Point of Bluff S, PEFO 085059 (UCMP V7046A, PF156), Point of Bluff Area, Petrified Forest, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 7046-1930: Complete skull.
Locality: Agate Bridge NE (UCMP V82243), King’s Throne Area, Petrified Forest, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 129859: Plate fragments.
Locality: Agate Bridge NE (UCMP V82243), King’s Throne Area, Petrified Forest, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 129827: Interclavicle.
Locality: Agate Bridge Southeast, PEFO 085068 (UCMP V82245, PF165), E 1/2 of SE 1/4, Sec. 10, T 17N, R 24 E, Agate Bridge Southeast Area, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 129873: Plate fragments.
Locality: Jasper Forest South, (UCMP Loc. V 82041, PF167), on line between SE 1/4 and NE 1/4 of SE 1/4, Sec. 8 T 17N, R 24 E, Jasper Forest Area, Petrified Forest, Arizona.Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP: Plate fragment.
Locality: Battleship Northwest, PEFO 085075 (UCMP V82261, PF169), on line between NE 1/4 of SE 1/4, Sec. 17, and NW 1/4 of SW 1/4, Sec. 16, T 17N, R 24E, Battleship Northwest Area, Petrified Forest, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 126865: Plate fragment.
Locality: Battleship W2, PEFO 085073 (UCMP V82264, PF170), Battleship Northwest Area, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group..
Age: Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 130013: Interclavicle.
Locality: Long Logs (UCMP V82042, PF17), approximate level of Rainbow Sandstone, about 11 to 12 m below Flattops Sandstone 1, Long Logs Area, Petrified Forest, Arizona.
Horizon: Middle Painted Desert Member, Upper Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP: Plate fragments.
Locality: Allentown N (UCMP 7313), 5 km north of Allentown, Petrified Forest, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 84581: Clavicle fragments.
Locality: Allentown Claypit (MNA), Allentown Area, Petrified Forest, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
MNA Pl. 723: Skull fragments.
Locality: St. Michales (U. A. Locality), Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
U. A. 2092: Numerous fragments.
Locality: Nazlini 1 (UCMP V3205), 11 km north of Nazili Trading post, Nazlini Area, Petrified Forest, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 35738: Fragments.
Locality: Nazlini 2 (UCMP V3206), Nazlini Area, Petrified Forest, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 35739: Fragments.
Locality: Lukachukai W (UCMP A270), Lukachukai Trading Post, 10 km west of Lukachukai, lower level, Lukachukai Area, Petrified Forest, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 27191: Interclavicles of at least 2 individuals.
Locality: Lukachukai SE (U.A. Localities), Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
U. A: 4 skulls, 6 interclavicles, 6 clavicles, 4 mandibular rami, 49 vertebrae, 13 limb elements, and 3 girdle elements.
Locality: Round Rock 4A, (UCMP V3210), approximately 18 km south of Round Rock Trading Post, Round Rock Area, Petrified Forest, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 37755: Nearly complete skull.
UCMP 27234: Interclavicle and mandibular rami of large and small individuals.
UCMP 27235: Fragmentary skull and mandibulae, and many centra including axis.
Locality: Round Rock 5 (UCMP V6945), 10 km southwest of Round Rock Trading Post, about 3 km northwest of Round Rock, Round Rock Area, Petrified Forest, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 83578: Jaw fragment with teeth.
UCMP 83580: Skull elements.
Locality: Saurian Valley, PEFO 085002 (UCMP V82251, PF97) (part of UCMP V7034), NW 1/4 of SE 1/4, Sec. 15, and NE 1/4 of SW 1/4, Sec. 15. T 19N, R 23E, Lithodendron Wash Area, 6 to 8 m below? Sonsela Sandstone, Devil’s Playground Area, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP: Plate fragments.
Locality: Fossil Garden (UCMP V82252, PF98), 6 to 8 m below? Sonsela Sandstone, Devil’s Playground Area, Petrified Forest, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 129998: Centrum.
Locality: Wizard Wash E (PF39), mudstone between Sonsela Sandstone and Brown Sandstone, about 6 m below brown sandstone, Devil’s Playground Area, Petrified Forest, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP: Complete skull and jaws.
Locality: Walker’s Site (PF 82), Devil’s Playground Area, Petrified Forest, Arizona.Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
NPS 72-39: Skull and jaws.
Locality: Depot Tank SW, PEFO 085011 (UCMP 7036, MNA 302:103, PF106), approximately 1.6 km north of Lithodendron Wash Brecks, Depot Tank Area, Petrified Forest, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 34574: Skull fragments.
Locality: Giant Logs, PEFO 085081 (UCMP V82232, PF 177), in Rainbow Sandstone at Log Level, Petrified Forest, N1/2, SW ¼, SW ¼ to NW ¼, NW ¼, SW ¼, sec. 35, T17N, R23E, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP: Plate fragments.
Locality: Ward’s Bonebed (UCMP V4121, V4150, V3309, V7317, etc), 5 km northeast to 10 km southeast of Cameron, Near Tanner's Crossing, Cameron Area, Petrified Forest, Coconino County, Arizona.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
USNM 2362: Skull and mandible fragments.
MNA: Skull and Interclavicle.
UCMP 60291: Complete skull.
UCMP 27067: Centrum.
CM 9030: Skull.
Note: Metoposaurus fraasi type was found at this quarry.
Locality: Paulcell 3 (PF 52), Arizona.Horizon: Upper Petrified Forest Formation.
Age: Revueltian, Early Norian Substage, Early Norian Epoch, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP: Centrum.
Locality: CWG 1937:13/Billings Gap (USNM), Arizona.
Horizon: Upper Petrified Forest Formation.
Age: Revueltian, Early Norian Substage, Early Norian Epoch, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
USNM 1582: Clavicle and interclavicle.
USNM 15862: Interclavicle.
Locality: Paulcell Shellbed (PF 56), Dry Creek Tank Area, Petrified Forest, Arizona.Horizon: Upper Petrified Forest Formation.
Age: Revueltian, Early Norian Substage, Early Norian Epoch, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP: Incomplete interclavicle and centrum.
Locality: Round Rock 1 (UCMP A271), 13 to 15 km southwest of Round Rock Trading Post, Round Rock Area, Arizona.
Horizon: Upper Petrified Forest Formation.
Age: Revueltian, Early Norian Substage, Early Norian Epoch, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 27196: Interclavicle plus numerous interclavicle fragments of second individual.
UCMP 27198: Incomplete interclavicle.
Locality: Ward Terrace, Coconino County, Arizona.
Horizon: Owl Rock Member, Upper Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
Number: Not given:
Note: As per LONG & MURRY “Kirby (1989, p.19) refers material from several Ward Terrace localities to a large Buettneria sp, including skull fragments, vertebrae and pectoral fragments. No specific details were given”
Locality: Locality NMMNH L00371, West of San Ysidro, Sandoval County, east and west of Highway 44 (UNM; NMMNH), New Mexico.
Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
NMMNH P14383: Numerous fragments, primarily of pectoral plates.
Locality: Locality NMMNH L00379, Hagan Basin, New Mexico.Horizon: Lower Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
NMMNH 17632: Large interclavicle.
Locality: Canada Colorado, NMMNH locality 149, NW 1/4, SW 1/4, NW 1/4, SE 1/4, Sec. 2, T14N, R10E, 4 km east of Lamy, Santa Fe County, New Mexico.Horizon: Los Esteros Member, Santa Rosa Formation.
Age: Adamanian, Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
NMMNH P3021: Fragment of interclavicle.
Locality: Lamy, Locality NMMNH L892, New Mexico.
Horizon: Los Esteros Member, Santa Rosa Formation.
Age: Adamanian, Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
NMMNH P17955: Fragments of pectrum.
Locality: Lamy, Locality NMMNH L1171, Lamy Amphibian Quarry, Santa Fe County, New Mexico.
Horizon: Garita Creek Formation.
Age: Adamanian, Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
NMMNH P17858: Series of centra.
Note: As per LONG & MURRY, 1995, ‘Other collections from the Lamy Amphibian Quarry were made by the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (MCZ) and the National Museum of Natural History (USNM), with huge concentration of B. perfecta specimens (see Romer, 1939; Lucas and Hunt, 1989), MCZ 1674 is an excavated slab on display at the MCZ containing several metoposaur individuals’ the are also numerous isolated elements under separate numbers housed within the MCZ collections, USNM 18495 is a slap on display that includes eight skulls.
Locality: TMM Site 1, TMM Locality 31025), Howard County, Texas.
Horizon: “Pre-Tecovas Horizon”, Dockum Group.
Age: Middle Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
TMM 31025-8, TMM 31025-11: Left mandibulae.
TMM 31025-6: Interclavicle.
Locality: TMM Site 2, TMM Locality 31098, Howard County, Late Triassic.
Horizon: “Pre-Tecovas Horizon”, Dockum Group.
Age: Middle Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
TMM 31098-17: Very large, poorly preserved skull.
TMM 31098-17: Interclavicles.
Locality: TMM Quarry 2, TMM Locality 31099, Howard County, Texas.
Horizon: “Pre-Tecovas Horizon”, Dockum Group.
Age: Middle Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
TMM 31099-12B: Skull and lower jaw, fragmentary skull with both lower jaws, numerous vertebrae, 2 interclavicles, 1 right and 1 left clavicle.
Locality: TMM Site 3, TMM Locality 31100, Howard County, Texas.
Horizon: “Pre-Tecovas Horizon”, Dockum Group.
Age: Middle Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
TMM 31100-431, TMM 31100-43: Fragmentary skulls.
TMM 31100-41: Skull and jaw.
TMM 31100-124: Skull, jaw, one vertebrae, clavicle, interclavicle.
TMM 31100-19: Skull, clavicle, one vertebra.
TMM 31100-47: Skull and scapulocarcoid fragments.
TMM 31100-35, TMM 31100-420, TMM 31100-433B: Right and left mandibluae.
TMM 31100-295: Left mandibulae.
TMM 31100-90: Right mandible.
TMM 31100-27: Anterior half of right mandible.
TMM 31100-40, TMM 31100-433A, TMM 31100-417, TMM 31100-99: Interclavicles.
TMM 31100-21, TMM 31100-297: Interclavicles and clavicles.
TMM 31100-13: Interclavicles and left clavicle.
TMM 31100-92, TMM 31100-36, TMM 31100-37: Right and left clavicles.
TMM 31100-416, TMM 31100-173, TMM 31100-123, TMM 31100-455, TMM 31100-31: Clavicles.
TMM 31100-34: Clavicle, interclavicle and tibia.
TMM 31100-178: Partial clavicle.
TMM 31100-237: Interclavicle, clavicle and vertebrae of huge individual.
Locality: TMM Site 3, Quarry 3A, Howard County, Texas.
Horizon: “Pre-Tecovas Horizon”, Dockum Group.
Age: Middle Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
TMM 31185-24: Fairly complete left and right mandibular rami.
TMM 31185-41: Fairly complete right mandible.
TMM 31185-29: Relatively complete clavicle.
Also many vertebrae and limb elements within this collection.
Locality: TMM Site 3, TMM Locality 41921, Howard County, Texas.Horizon: “Pre-Tecovas Horizon”, Dockum Group.
Age: Middle Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
TMM 41921-2: Interclavicle.
Note: Questionably placed within the “Pre-Tecovas Horizon”.
Locality: Rotten Hill Bonebed (PPHM WT), Herring Ranch Locality, Rotten Hill, Potter County, Texas.
Horizon: Lower part of the Tecovas Formation, Chinle Group (or Tecovas Member, Dockum Formation).
Biostratigraphy:Age: Adamanian age, Late Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
PPHM3, 5, 6, 9: Skulls
PPHM WT 2989: Small mandible.
PPHM WT 2898: Small mandible.
PPHM WT 2943: Nearly complete right mandible missing distal tip.
PPHM WT 2944: Fragmentary clavicle, fragmentary 7 clavicles missing medial margin.
PPHM WT 2947: Clavicle.
PPHM WT 2947, 2942, 2941, 2940, 2938, 2937: Clavicles.
PPHM WT 2948, 2973, 2874, 2975, 2976, 3223: Axis vertebrae.
PPHM WT 2957: Incomplete skull.
PPHM WT 2962: Partial interclavicle.
PPHM WT 2964: Large fragmentary interclavicle.
PPHM WT 2969: Left side of skull.
PPHM WT 2976: 2 axis vertebrae.
PPHM WT 2923: Left iluim.
PPHM WT 2995, 2996, 2963, 2946, 3057: Interclavicles.
PPHM WT 2997: Very large clavicle.
PPHM WT 3007: 11 interclavicles.
PPHM WT 3008: 15 mandibulae.
PPHM WT 30111- to 8: 8 skulls.
PPHM WT 3013: Right mandible.
PPHM WT 3017: Skull, mounted with other material and on display.
PPHM WT 3018: 4 right and 6 left clavicles.
PPHM WT 3021: 2 clavicle fragments.
PPHM WT 3025: 12 skull fragments.
PPHM WT 3023: 23 fragments of clavicles.
PPHM WT 3024: 10 fragments of mandibulae.
PPHM WT 3029: Nearly complete right clavicle.
PPHM WT 3030: 13 fragmentary clavicles.
PPHM WT 3037: 3 right mandibulae.
PPHM WT 3038: 21 centra.
PPHM WT 3039: 31 centra.
PPHM WT 3040: Right clavicle.
PPHM WT 3041: 62 vertebral centra including caudal with fused chevrons (also left posterior half of B. perfecta mandible with same number).
PPHM WT 3046: Left side of skull.
PPHM WT 3046: 2 incomplete skulls.
PPHM WT 3047: 1 right and 1 left clavicle.
PPHM WT 3053: 1 right and 1 left clavicle.
PPHM WT 3054: 3 fragmentary clavicles.
PPHM WT 3055: Skull and mandible.
PPHM WT 3057: 4 interclavicles.
PPHM WT 3058: Left clavicle.
PPHM WT 3059: Complete clavicle.
PPHM WT 3060: 9 left clavicle.
PPHM WT 3061: 9 right clavicles.
PPHM WT 3062: 9 large clavicle fragments.
PPHM WT 3063: 16 interclavicles.
PPHM WT 3064: 9 left mandibulae.
PPHM WT 3065: 10 right mandibulae.
PPHM WT 3066: 7 fragmentary mandibulae.
PPHM WT 3067-1, -2: 2 skulls.
PPHM WT 3068: 2 incomplete skulls.
PPHM WT 3069: 8 right clavicles.
PPHM WT 3070: 9 left clavicles.
PPHM WT 3072: 6 left mandibulae.
PPHM WT 3073: 3 interclavicles.
PPHM WT 3074: 3 skull fragments.
PPHM WT 3075: 12 humeri.
PPHM WT 3076: 5 humeri fragments.
PPHM WT 3077: 14 femora.
PPHM WT 3078: 4 axis vertebrae.
PPHM WT 3085: 12 ilia.
PPHM WT 3093: 3 fibulae.
PPHM WT 3095: 1 right ischium.
PPHM WT 3097: 107 vertebral centra including caudal with fused chevrons.
Caudal intercentrum.
PPHM WT 3106: 2 right clavicles.
PPHM WT 3107: Left clavicle.
PPHM WT 3108: Skull.
PPHM WT 3109: 3 interclavicle.
PPHM WT 3110: Left mandible.
PPHM WT 3114: Skull.
PPHM WT 3118: 5 axis vertebrae.
PPHM WT 3119: 185 vertebral centra, including caudal with fused chevrons.
PPHM WT 3120: 3 interclavicles.
PPHM WT 3121: 2 clavicle fragments.
PPHM WT 3127: 2 interclavicles.
PPHM WT 3128: 3 mandibulae.
PPHM WT 3129: 9 left mandibulae.
PPHM WT 3131: 16 femora.
PPHM WT 3138: Right ischium.
PPHM WT 3141: Posterior halves of 3 mandibulae.
PPHM WT 3130: 5 humeri.
PPHM WT 3134: Right tibia.
PPHM WT 3143: 204 vertebral centra.
PPHM WT 3144: 8 axis vertebrae.
PPHM WT 3145: 2 fragmentary Interclavicles.
PPHM WT 3146: 2 clavicles.
PPHM WT 3149: 5 clavicle fragments.
PPHM WT 3150: Posterior half of mandible.
PPHM WT 3151: Fragmentary skull.
PPHM WT 3152: 2 mandibulae.
PPHM WT 3154: Thoracic rib.
PPHM WT 3159: 2 mandibulae.
PPHM WT 3160: Anterior half of large mandible.
PPHM WT 3161: 3 clavicles.
PPHM WT 3163: 3 interclavicles.
PPHM WT 3166-1: Skull.
PPHM WT 3167: Large complete right mandibulae.
PPHM WT 3168: 5 interclavicle fragments.
PPHM WT 3186: Nearly complete left clavicle.
PPHM WT 3188: Posterior half of right clavicle.
PPHM WT 3187: Fragmentary right clavicle.
PPHM WT 3189: Nearly complete interclavicle in two pieces.
PPHM WT 3190: Nearly complete left clavicle.
PPHM WT 3191: Posterior fragment of right clavicle.
PPHM WT 3192: Anterior portion of left mandible.
PPHM WT 3193: Occiput, numerous other cranial fragments.
PPHM WT 3194: Complete large left mandible in two pieces.
PPHM WT 3195: Nearly complete large interclavicle.
PPHM WT 3196: Cervical vertebra.
PPHM WT 3197: Vertebra.
PPHM WT 3198: Nearly complete left clavicle.
PPHM WT 3199: Interclavicle with associated right clavicle attached.
PPHM WT 3200: Complete interclavicle.
PPHM WT 3201: Fragmentary skull of a large individual.
PPHM WT 3202: Large complete right mandible.
PPHM WT 3205: 2 caudal vertebrae with fused chevrons.
PPHM WT 3207: Caudal vertebra with fused chevrons.
PPHM WT 3208: Very large incomplete interclavicle.
PPHM WT 3210: Fragmentary interclavicle.
PPHM WT 3211: Complete right clavicle of vary large individual.
PPHM WT 3212: Right clavicle of a very large individual.
PPHM WT 3213: Large left clavicle.
PPHM WT 3218: Right ischium.
PPHM WT 3132: 5 ilia.
PPHM WT 3133: 2 ulnae.
PPHM WT 3219: Fragmentary humerus.
PPHM WT 3233: Fragmentary right clavicle.
PPHM WT 3222: 2 right and 1 left humerus.
PPHM WT 3221: Atlas vertebra.
PPHM WT 3224: Anterior portion of left mandible.
PPHM WT 3225: Anterior portion of right mandible.
PPHM WT 3232: Fragmentary right mandible.
PPHM WT 3234: Fragmentary nearly complete left mandible.
PPHM WT 3235: Complete interclavicle.
PPHM WT 3236: Fragmentary right clavicle.
PPHM WT 3237: Complete left mandible.
PPHM WT 3238: Nearly complete left clavicle.
PPHM WT 3239: Anterior portion of interclavicle.
PPHM WT 3240: Nearly complete interclavicle.
PPHM WT 3241: Nearly complete left mandible.
PPHM WT 3242: Nearly complete right mandible.
PPHM WT 3971: 3 right mandibulae.
PPHM WT 3993: Left humerus.
PPHM WT collection also includes many catalogued and uncatalgoued isolated skull and posterior elements.
Numerous unnumbered centra are also present within the Herring Ranch Collection.
X2001.10.110: Lower jaw.X2001.26: Left half of a skull.
Locality: Kalgary Site, Crosby County, Texas.
Horizon: Tecovas Member, Dockum Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
SMU 67968: Dentary and dermal bones fragments, isolated teeth.
Locality: Head of Home Creek, Crosby County, (UMMP, CFMNH), Texas.
Horizon: Tecovas Member, Dockum Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UMMP 8854: Skull.
CFMNH 1586: 1586: Partial skull.
Locality: TMM Site 1 (TMM Locality 31172), Crosby County, Texas.
Horizon: Tecovas Member, Dockum Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
TMM: Skull.
Locality: TMM Locality 31097, Elliot Ranch, Home Creek, Crosby County, Texas.
Horizon: Tecovas Member, Dockum Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
TMM: Portion of interclavicle.
Locality TMM Site 2, TMM Locality 31173, Crosby County, Texas.
Horizon: Tecovas Member, Dockum Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
TMM 31173-37, 31173-5, 31173-18, 31178-118: Fragmentary clavicles.TMM 31173-31: Clavicle.
TMM 31173-23, 31173-55, 31173-82: Interclavicles.
Locality: UMMP, Red Tank/Walker’s Tank, Crosby County, Texas.
Horizon: Tecovas Member, Dockum Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UMMP 1410: Clavicle and interclavicle.
Locality: Big Silver Creek, approximately 17 km south of Loraine, Micthel County, Texas.Horizon: Tecovas Member, Dockum Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
Private collection of Chris Wadleigh of Dallas: Vertebrae, fragmentary skull and pectoral elements.
Locality: Espuela Ranch (TMM Locality 1010), Dickens County, Texas.
Horizon: Tecovas Member, Dockum Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
TMM 1010-1: Fragments of clavicle and interclavicle.
Locality: Phytosaur Basin area (PFV205), Petrified Forest National Monument, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle Group.
Age: Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
PEFO 23383: Partial right clavicle.
WILSON, 1941
Locality: In the badlands near the Cerita de la Curz Creek in Potter County, North and west of Amarillo, Texas.
Horizon: Dockum Formation.
Age: Middle Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UCMP 21326: Skull showing internal soft parts.
= Buettneria cf. B. perfecta LUCAS, HECKERT & ANDERSON, 1997
Locality: NMMNH L-03251, Fort Wingate Quadrangle, New Mexico.
Horizon: Bluewater Creek Formation, Lower Chinle Group.
Age: Adamanian, Latest Carnian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
NMMNH P-18326, 18311: Interclavicle fragments.
= Metopias diagnosticus (in part: MIALL, 1875)
= Metoposaurus diagnosticus (in part, LYDEKKER, 1890)
= Metoposaurus diagnosticus (in part: Watson, 1919)Holotype:
= Buettneria howardensis SAWIN, 1945
Etymology: In reference to Howard County, Texas.Locality: TMM Site 3, TMM Locality 31100, Howard County, Texas.
Horizon: Dockum Formation.
Biostratigraphy:Age: Late Carnian Stage, Early Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
UT 31100-124, 31220-1, 31100-42, 31100-30, 31100-161, 31100-122: Skulls, with associated mandibles and various portions of the postcranial skeletons.
UT 31100-25: Atlas in cranial (Left) and lateral (Right) views.
UT 31100-28: Femur in dorsal (Left) and ventral view (Right).
UT 31100-37 & 21: Interclavicle and clavicle in natural articulation. Left) ventral view and right, dorsal views.
UT 31100-46: Ilium in lateral (Right) and mesial (Left) view.
UT 31100-47: Scapulocoracoid in laterial (Left) and mesial (Right) views.
UT 31100-237: Neural arch in caudal (Left), cranial (Middle) and laterial (Right) views.
UT 31100-237: Thoracic rib in lateral and mesial views (Left) and posterior thoracic rib in lateral and mesial views (Right)
UT 31100-304: Humerus in dorsal (Left) and ventral (Right) view.
UT 31100-388: Far left radius in dorsal and ventral view; middle ulna in anterior and posterior view; far right fibula in lateral and mesial view.
UT 31100-428: Ischium in laterial (Left) and mesial (Right) view.
UT 31100-429: Tibi in lateral (Left) and mesial (right) view.
UT 31100-430: Cleithrum in lateral (Left) and mesial (Right) views.
Articulated pectoral girdle (After Sawin, 1945).
Paratypes: TMM 31100-30, TMM 31100-42: Skulls.
Referred material:
BEGUT 31099-12b, UCMP 66991: Fragmentary skulls.
= Metoposaurus fraasi fraasi (LUCAS, 1904)
= Metoposaurus fraasi LUCAS, 1904
= Kalamoiketer (?) fraasi (LUCAS, 1904) BRANSON & MEHL,1929
= Eupelor fraasi fraasi (LUCAS, 1904)Holotype:
= Eupelor fraasi jonesi (CASE, 1910) COLBERT & IMBRIE, 1956 (partim)
= Metoposaurus fraasi jonesi (CASE, 1910) ROY CHOWDHURY, 1965 (partim)
= Eupelor browni COLBERT & IMBRIE, 1956
= Metoposaurus browni (COLBERT & IMBRIE, 1956) ROY CHOWDHURY, 1965Holotype:
= Metoposaurus maleriensis ROY CHOWDHURY, 1965
Etymology: In reference to the Maleri Formation.
= Buettneria maleriensis (ROY CHOWDHURY, 1965) SENGUPTA, 2002Holotype: ISI A4
Locality: Achlapur No. 2, Pranhita Godavari Valley, Andhra Pradesh State, India.
Horizon: Maleri Formation.
Age: Late Triassic.
Material: Fragmentary skull.
ISI A. 1, ISI A. 2, ISI A. 3, ISI A. 6: Fragmentary skulls.
ISI A. 5: Left squamosal.
ISI A. 9: Interclavicle.
ISI A. 10: Left clavicle.
ISI A. 13: Atlas.
ISI A. 14: 4 vertebrae.
ISI A. 16: Right ischium.
ISI A. 17: Left humerus.
Locality: Achlapur No. 1., Pranhita Godavari Valley, Andhra Pradesh State, India.
Horizon: Lower Maleri Formation.
Age: Late Triassic.
ISI A. 7: Fragmentary skull.
ISI A. 11: Left clavicle.
ISI A. 15: 3 vertebrae.
Locality: Gampalpalli, Pranhita Godavari Valley, Andhra Pradesh State, India.
Horizon: Lower Maleri Formation.
Age: Late Triassic.
ISI A. 8: Fragmentary skull.
ISI A. 12: Right clavicle.
Locality: Pranhita Godavari Valley, Andhra Pradesh State, India.
Horizon: Lower Maleri Formation.
Age: Late Triassic.
K 33/630a:
K 33/606a:
K 33/611a:
K 33/602a:
TMM 31099-12B:
Locality: 1 ½ km south of Tiki village, 23°56’: 81°22’, Shadol district, Mahdya Pradesh State, India.
Horizon: The red clay beds of the Tiki Formation.
Age: Late Carnian Stage, Lower Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
GSI 53: Partial skull lacking the preorbital region and the snout.
ISI 2249: Fragment of an interclavicle.
Note: Originally described as a skulll roof bone by LYDEKKER, 1885ISI 3354, 2263: Fragments of lower jaw.