Genus: Cacops WILLISTON, 1910
= Trematopsis OLSON, 1956

Species: aspidephorus WILLISTON, 1910

Holotype: FMNH UC 647

Locality: Cacops bone bed, Willbarger County, Texas.

Horizon: Vale Formation, Middle Clear Fork Group.

Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower to middle D.

Age: Upper Leonardian Stage,Upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.

Material: Consisting of a nearly complete articulated skull and skeleton.

Referred material:

FMNH UR806: Articulated fragments of the carapace.

FMNH UC885: Several articulated vertebrae and armor segments.

FMNH UC900: Several articulated neural spines and armor segments.

FMNH UC977: Several articulated neural spines and armor segments.

FMNH UR 649: Skull.

UMMP 3417: Articulated skull and postcranium consisting of 20 articulated vertebrae and osteoderms, pelvic girdle, femora and tibae.


Locality: Fort Sill, OMNH Locality V51, Dolese Brothers limestone quarry at Richards Spur, Fissure Fills, just west of U.S. Highways 62 & 281, 10.5 miles south of Apache, 6 miles north of Fort Sill, SW 1/2, Sec. 31, T4N, R11W, Comanche County, Oklahoma.

Horizon: Wellington Formation (Garber Formation), Summer Group, Arbuckle limestone, (Probably equivalent to the Arroyo Formation of Texas).


Age: Leonardian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.


OMNH 79341: Isoalted right scapula.

ROMVP 80078: Isoalted neural arch and spine wiht articulated osteoderm.

ROMVP 80079: Isoalted neural arch and spine.


OLSON 1972

Locality: Pipe site of FA, Foard County, Texas.

Horizon: Vale Formation, Middle Clear Fork Group.

Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower to middle D.

Age: Upper Leonardian Stage,Upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.


FMNH UR 170: 2 humeri.


= Trematopsis seltini OLSON, 1956

Holotype: FMNH-UR 279

Locality: In drainage area of Beaver Creek, Locality Bac, Baylor County, Texas.

Horizon: Vale Formation, Middle Clear Fork Group.

Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower to middle D.

Age: Upper Leonardian Stage,Upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.

Material: Fragmentary skull and jaws, 19 intercentra, some with neural arches, scapulo-coracoids, pubo-ischiadic plate, left humerus and distal end of right humerus, radius, right femur, and part of left femur, head of tibia, fragments of ribs vertebrae, lower limb and foot bones.


Species: morrisi REISZ, SCHOCH & ANDERSON, 2009
Etymology: In honor of Tony Morris who discovered one of the two specimens.

Holotype: OMNH 53077

Locality: Fort Sill, OMNH Locality V51, Dolese Brothers limestone quarry at Richards Spur, Fissure Fills, just west of U.S. Highways 62 & 281, 10.5 miles south of Apache, 6 miles north of Fort Sill, SW 1/2, Sec. 31, T4N, R11W, Comanche County, Oklahoma.

Horizon: Wellington Formation (Garber Formation), Summer Group, Arbuckle limestone, (Probably equivalent to the Arroyo Formation of Texas).


Age: Leonardian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.


Material: Partially crushed skull.

Referred material:

OMNH 53073: Juvenile skull.

FMNH PR1032-1034:

Numbers: Not given: Numerous isolated elements.

GEE & REISZ, 2018, GEE, BEVITT & REISZ, 2019

OMNH 73206: Block containing 3 partial to complete skulls, one nearly complete skull wiht articulated postcrania (pectoral girdle, vertebrae, ribs, osteoderms, forelimbs, 1 partial skull broken at the mid-orbit, adn one nearly complete skull wiht associated mandible; 2 dissociated mandibles; an articulated dissorophid vertebral column; dissociated osteoderms and small vertebral material; and small indeterminate dissorophid elements.

OMNH 79339: Complete skull with associated mandibles and anterior postcranial elements (osteoderms, vertebrae, pectoral girdle).


Species: woehri FRÖBISCH & REISZ, 2012
Etymology: In honor of Daniel Woehr, amateur collector of fossils, in recognition of his discovery and donation of scientifically important specimens to the OMNH.

Holotype: OMNH 73216

Locality: Fort Sill, OMNH Locality V51, Dolese Brothers limestone quarry at Richards Spur, Fissure Fills, just west of U.S. Highways 62 & 281, 10.5 miles south of Apache, 6 miles north of Fort Sill, SW 1/2, Sec. 31, T4N, R11W, Comanche County, Oklahoma.

Horizon: Wellington Formation (Garber Formation), Summer Group, Arbuckle limestone, (Probably equivalent to the Arroyo Formation of Texas).


Age: Leonardian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.

Material: Partial skull.

Referred material:


BMRP 2007.3.5: Fragmentary skull.


OMNH 79338: Partial skull.

ROMVP 80080: Partial snout.

ROMVP 80081: Partial snout.

ROMVP 80082: Partial otic notch.

ROMVP 80083: Partial left jaw articulation.