BOLT, 1977
Locality: Fort Sill Locality, SW 1/4 of sec. 31, T4N, R11W, Wichita Mountains, Comanche County, Oklahoma.
Horizon: Probably Arroyo equivalent, Lower Clear Fork Group.
Age: Leonardian, Hessian, Lower Artinskian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
FM PR 1034: Right palatine.
FM PR 1032: Quadrate.
FM PR 1033: Quadrate.
SCHOCH & MILINER, 2014 (WERNEBERG pers comm)
Locality: Buxieres-les-Mines, Department Allier, France.
Horizon: Black Shales.
Age: Early Permian.
Number: Not given: Skull.
= cf. Cacops SULLIVAN, REISZ & MAY, 2000
Locality: Fort Sill, OMNH Locality V51, Dolese Brothers limestone quarry at Richards Spur, Fissure Fills, just west of U.S. Highways 62 & 281, 10.5 miles south of Apache, 6 miles north of Fort Sill, SW 1/2, Sec. 31, T4N, R11W, Comanche County, Oklahoma.
Horizon: Wellington Formation (Garber Formation), Summer Group, Arbuckle limestone, (Probably equivalent to the Arroyo Formation of Texas).
Age: Leonardian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
OMNH 56868: Right femur.
OMNH 56869: Right humerus.