Species: nocturnus GUBIN, 1983
Holotype: PIN 1582/1
Locality: 0.5 km below the mouth of Domera River, Upper reaches of Pechora River, Komi Republic, European Russia.
Horizon: Sheshminskiiuy (Sheshminskian Gorizont) stratigraphic horizon, Ufmian Stage.
Age: Lower Guadelupian Stage, Lower Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.
Material: Skull.
Referred material:
PIN 1582/2a: Scapulacorcoid with ribs.
PIN 1582/2b: Clavicle.
PIN 1582/2c: Possible humerus-fragments in two parts.
PIN 1582/4: Anterior part of a skull with the skull roof in dorsal and the palate in ventral views.
PIN 1582/6: Anterior part of a skull with the skull roof in dorsal view and the fangs of ectopterygoid, palatine and vomer of the palate in ventral view.
Species: borealis GUBIN, 1983
Holotype: PIN 3950/1
Locality: Near the town of Inta, Komi Republic, European Russia.
Horizon: Inta Formation, Ufimian Stage (Ufimian Intinskaya Svita).
Age: Lower Guadelupian Stage, Lower Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.
Material: Skull.