Species: scutellatus (NEWBERRY, 1856) COPE, 1869
= Pygopterus scutellatus NEWBERRY, 1856
= Sauropleura scutellatua COPE,1897
Holotype: AMNH 6916 (formerly 8584G and 8666G of Columbia University.)
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
Material: Anterior portion of a skull, mandibles partial ribs, incomplete pectoral girdle and scalation.
Referred material:
HOOK 1983
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
AMNH 2934: Posterior portion of a mandible.
AMNH 6826 (formerly 8535G, Newberry Collection): Postorbital region of a skull and left mandible.
AMNH 6829 (formerly 1088G, Newberry Collection): Right dentary.
AMNH 6833 (formerly 8563G, 8570G, 8673G, 869G, 9031G, (Newberry Collection): dorsal and ventral scales.
AMNH 6915 (formerly 8587G or possibly 8687G, Newberry Collection): Postorbital region of a skull, palate and mandibles in counterparts.
AMNH 6936 (formerly 2412G, Newberry Collection): Segment of gastrilia.
AMNH 6949 (formerly 951G, Newberry Collection): Anterior portion of a palate and mandibles.
AMNH 6950 (formerly 8572G, Newberry Collection): Anterior portion of a skull, and left mandible, in counterparts.
AMNH 6951 (formerly 8709G, Newberry Collection): Antorbital region of a skull and mandibles in counterparts.
AMNH 7491: Fragmentary mandible in counterparts.
AMNH 7493 (formerly 8333G, Newberry Collection): Presacral dorsal and ventral scalation, intercentra partial exposed, in counterparts.
AMNH 20866 (formerly 8558G): Left clavicle.
BMNH R2547: Skull, mandibles and partial interclavicle, counterpart of AMNH 6945.
BMNH R2548: Segment gastralia.
BMNH R2664: Fragmentary skeleton.
BMNH R9949 (formerly BMNH R2675 (BM 63): Portion of postorbital region of skull, adjoins OSU 4545.
CM 25307: Preorbital region of a skull and mandibles in counterpart blocks.
FMNH UC 2001: Skull roof.
MCZ 2136: Lateral portions of dorsal and ventral scalation, vertebrae and ribs.
MCZ 2159: Mandibles.
OSU 4481: Posterior presacral gastralia, counterpart of AMNH 6957.
OSU 4545: Small portion of adult skull roof, adjoins BMNH R9949.
OSU 4560, 4562: Fragmentary squamation in counterpart blocks.
PU 16532: Vertebrae ribs, and scalation.
PU 16540: Skull.
UMMP 3573: Portion of gastralia, partial counterpart of MCZ 2158.
YPM 4604: Scales, vertebrae, of two individuals of disparate size on same bedding plane in counterpart blocks.
= Colosteus crassiscutatus COPE, 1869
Etymology:Paratype :
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
AMNH 6917 (formerly 8657G and 9027G, Newberry Collection): Posterior portion of a skull, mandibles, anterior segment of body, including pectoral girdle, forelimbs and scalation.
AMNH 6920 (formerly 8670G, Newberry Collection):Paratype of Colosteus crassicutatus, holotype of Colosteus pauciradiatus COPE 1871 and Colosteus pauciradata COPE 1871: Interclavicle, ribs, scales, intercentrum and pleurocenturm.
AMNH 6921 (formerly 8671G, Newberry Collection):Paratype of Colosteus pauciradata: Left clavicle.
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
Referred material:
AMNH 6936 (formerly 8619G, Newberry Collection): Gastralia.
AMNH 6957 (formerly 8554G, Newberry Collection): Posterior presacral vertebrae, counterpart of OUS 4481.
AMNH 6958 (formerly 8668G, Newberry Collection): Presacral vertebral column, ribs and scales.
= Colosteus pauciradiatus COPE, 1871 (nomen nudum)
= Colosteus pauciradiatus (COPE, 1871) COPE, 1897
= Sauropleura pauciradiata (COPE, 1871) MOODIE, 1916Holotype: AMNH 6920
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
= Oestocephalus rectidens COPE, 1874
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
= Sauropleura longidentata MOODIE, 1909
Etymology:Holotype: AMNH 8619 (AMNH 6945)
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
Material: Fragmentary skull.
= Diceratosaurus laevus MOODIE, 1909
Etymology:Holotype: AMNH 102, (8680 G)
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
Material: Fragmentary skull.
= Macrerpeton deani MOODIE, 1909
Etymology:Holotype: AMNH 6826 (AMNH 2934)
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
Material: Fragmentary left mandible, and a portion of the right antero-lateral surface of skull.
Paratype: AMNH 2934: Fragmentary skull.