Species: multicinctus COPE, 1895
Holotype: AMNH 4593
Locality: Unknown, Baylor County, Texas.
Horizon: Unknown.
Age: Early Permian.
Material: Articulated part of the armored carapace, vertebral column and ribs.
Referred material:
DeMAR 1968
Locality: Hog Creek, Baylor County, Texas.
Horizon: Arroyo Formation, Lower Clear Fork Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower D.
Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes, Early Permian.
MCZ 1163-1: Basicranium.
MCZ 1163-2: Basicranium.
MCZ 1163-3: Posterior portion of a lower jaw.
MCZ 1163-4: Scapula.
MCZ 1163 (not individually numbered): Numerous limb bones, armor fragments and skull parts.
AMNH 4376: Skull and anterior part of the skeleton.
FM 1204: Articulated part of the dorsal armor.
Locality: Indian River, Baylor County, Texas.
Horizon: Arroyo Formation, Lower Clear Fork Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower D.
Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes, Early Permian.
MCZ 2122-1: Skull, shoulder girdle and humerus.
MCZ 2122-2: Some what disarticulated skeletons without skulls preserved beneath articulated carapaces.
MCZ 2122-3: Some what disarticulated skeleton with skull preserved beneath carapace.
MCZ 2122-4: Posterior portion of skull and braincase, somewhat crushed.
MCZ 2122-5: Partial skeleton, crushed,imitation swiss watches beneath and articulated carapace.
MCZ 2122-7: Posterior portion of a lower jaw.
MCZ 2122-8: Partially disarticulated sacral region.
MCZ 2122-9: Humerus.
MCZ 2122-10: Radius and ulna.
MCZ 2122-11: Pelvic region.
MCZ 2122-12: Partial skull and partial disarticulated carapace.
MCZ 2122-13: Articulated anterior portion of the vertebral column, ribs, shoulder girdle and portion of humerus.
MCZ 2122-14: Distal portion of femur articulated with proximal portions of the tibia and fibula.
MCZ 2122-15: Sacral vertebra and rib.
MCZ 2122-16: Posterior portion of the skull including the braincase and articulated atlas.
MCZ 2122-17: Portion of the braincase, including the basisphenoid and part of the epipterygoid.
MCZ 2122-18: Radius and ulna.
MCZ 2122-19: Partial skull and skeleton crushed against articulated carapace.
MCZ 2122-20: Crushed sacral region.
MCZ 2122-21: Partial skull and skeleton crushed beneath an articulated carapace.
MCZ 2122-22 (Not individually numbered): Numerous limb bones, armor fragments and skull parts.
DILKES, 2009
MCZ 4169: Two individuals with articulated osteoderms and partial postcranial crushed against the osteoderms.
MCZ 4187: Partial sacrial region and proximal caudal vertebrae.
Locality: Baylor County, Texas.
Horizon: Arroyo Formation, Lower Clear Fork Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower D.
Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes, Early Permian.
NM 21904-1: Cheek region of skull.
NM 21904-2: Posterior portion of a lower jaw.
NM 21904-3: Small portion of the skull laterial to orbit.
NM 21904 (Not individually numbered): Articulated carapace and part of the skeleton, a large portion of the posterior part of the skull and braincase, and other miscellaneous cranial and skeletal fragments.
Locality: Coffee Creek, Baylor County, Texas.
Horizon: Arroyo Formation, Lower Clear Fork Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower D.
Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes, Early Permian.
NM 1555: Skull, vertebral column, armored carapace and foot.
FM UC 648: Carapace, skull roof, lower jaws, shoulder girdle humerus, ulna and femur.
Locality: From Olson's Broiliellus "pocket", East Coffee Creek, Baylor County, Texas.
Horizon: Arroyo Formation, Lower Clear Fork Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower D.
Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes, Early Permian.
FM UR813: Articulated part of the dorsal armor and vertebral column.
Locality: Fort Sill, OMNH Locality V51, Dolese Brothers limestone quarry at Richards Spur, Fissure Fills,yachtmaster replica just west of U.S. Highways 62 & 281, 10.5 miles south of Apache, 6 miles north of Fort Sill, SW 1/2, Sec. 31, T4N, R11W, Comanche County, Oklahoma.
Horizon: Wellington Formation (Garber Formation), Summer Group, Arbuckle limestone, (Probably equivalent to the Arroyo Formation of Texas).
Age: Leonardian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
ROMVP 80072: Partial, disarticulated posterior skull table and occiput in articulation with a series of osteoderms covering 13 vertebral positions.
ROMVP 80073: Partial, articulated posterior skull and occiput in articulation with a series of 9 osteoderm positions and clavicle.
ROMVP 80074: Anterior shield with corresponding anteriormost internal osteoderm.
ROMVP 80075: Anterior shield.
ROMVP 80076: Internal osteoderm articulated with rolex submariner ceramic replica fragmentary internal-external pair and partial neural spines.
ROMVP 80077: Articualted series of osteoderms (minimum of 3 positions) with possible interclavicle.
= Dissorophus articulatus COPE, 1896
Etymology:Holotype: AMNH 4376
Locality: Unknown, Texas.
Age: Early Permian.
Material: Skull and anterior portion of a skeleton.
= Otocoelus mimeticus COPE, 1896
= Dissorophus mimeticus (COPE, 1896) HUENE, 1911Holotype: AMNH 4376
Locality: Unknown, Baylor County, Texas.
Horizon: Unkown.
Age: Early Permian.
Material: Nearly complete skull.
= Otocoelus testudineus COPE, 1896
= Dissorophus testudineus (COPE, 1896) MOODIE, 1910Holotype: AMNH 4343
Locality: Unknown, Baylor County, Texas.
Horizon: Unkown.
Age: Early Permian.
= Longiscitula houghae DeMAR, 1966
Etymology:Holotype: FMNH UR 430
Locality: OLSON'S Broiliellus pocket, East Coffee Creek, Baylor County, Texas.
Horizon: Arroyo Formation, Lower Clear Fork Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower D.
Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes, Early Permian.
Material: Skull.
Referred material:
FMNH UR 807: Posterior part of a skull.