Species: woodi SMITHSON, 1980
Holotype: NMSNUZ 77.5.26
Locality: Dora Opencast Site, Cowdenbeath, Fife Province, Scotland, Northern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Dora Bone Bed, Limestone Coal Group.
Age: Lower Lower Namurian, Lower Silesian Series, Pendleian Stage, Serpukhovian
Epoch, Early Carboniferous (Early Late Mississippian).
Note: Localized seatrock, beneath a coal seam below the Lochgelly Blackband
Ironstone, upper part of the Limestone Coal Group.
Material: Incomplete left ramus of lower jaw.
Referred material:
NMS (old RSM) GY 1975.5.3: Fragmentary lower jaw.
NMS (old RSM) GY 1881.43.24: Fragmentary lower jaw of a small individual.
NMS (old RSM) GY 1881.107.51: Fragmentary lower jaw.
NUS 78.1.26: Left premaxilla.
NMS NUZ 77.8.28: Maxilla.
NMS R9244, R9245, R9944, R9945, R9946, G 19976.19.47, 1997.46.41, 1978.51.23, 1979.51.24, 1993.56.66, 1993.56.67, 1993.56.69, 1993.56.70, 2012.22.1, 2012.22.2, 2012.22.3, 2012.22.4: Fragmentary interclavicles.
NMS G 1976.19.33, 1976.19.45, 1977.46.45, 1978.4.20, 1979.51.22, 1993.56.80, 2012.22.6, 2012.22.7: Right clavicles.
NMS R9247, R9942, R9947, G 1976.19.39, 1977.46.43, 1979.51.25, 1989.51.26, 1993.56.73, 1993.56.75, 1993.56.76, 1993.56.77, 1993.56.78, 1993.56.81, 1993.56.83, 1993.56.84, 2012.22.5, 1898.176.42: Left clavicles.
NMS G 2012.22.8, 2012.22.9: Left humerii.
NMS g. 1993.56.10, 2012.22.15: Left ilia.
NMS G.198927.1, 1898.27.2, 1989.27.3, 2012.22.11: Right ilia.
NMS G. 1993.56.10, 1993.56.45, 1989.27.2: Left femora.
NMS G. 1989.4.25, 2012.22.14: Right femora.
Locality: Pitcorthie, Scotland, Northern United Kingdom.Horizon:
Age: Carboniferous.
NMS (old RSM) GY 1881.43.24: Fragmentary maxilla.
MILNER, SMITHSON, MILNER, COATES & ROLFE 11986Locality: Dora opencast site near Cowdenbeath, Fife Province, Scotland, Northern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Dora Bone Bed, Limestone Coal Group.
Age: Lower Lower Namurian, Lower Silesian Series, Pendleian Stage, Serpukhovian Epoch, Early Carboniferous (Early Late Mississippian).
Note: Localized seatrock, beneath a coal seam below the Lochgelly Blackband Ironstone, upper part of the Limestone Coal Group.Material: Fragmentary remains of at least 20 individuals.
SMITHSON, 1985, SMITHSON & CLACK, 2013Locality: Locality 2, Inchkeith, Fifth or Fourth, Fife Province, Scotland, Northern United Kingdom.
Horizon: ‘Middle’ Oil Shale Group.
Age: Asbian Stage, Upper Middle Visean Epoch, Middle Dinantian series, Gzelian Epoch, Early Carboniferous (Middle Mississippian).
NMS G. 2012.22.16.1, 2, 2012.22.17.1, 2: Interclavicle.
NMS G. 2012.22.18.1, 2: Left clavicle.
NMS G. 2012.22.19: Left humerus.
NHMUK R5601: Right humerus.
Locality: Ramsay colliery, Loanhead, Edinburgh, mid-Lothian Province, Scotland, Northern United Kingdom.Horizon: Rumbles Ironstone/Burghlee Ironstone, Limestone Group.
Age: Lower Lower Namurian, Lower Silesian Series, Pendleian Stage, Serpukhovian Epoch, Early Carboniferous (Early Late Mississippian).
MCZ 1511:
Locality: Niddrie Colliery, Niddrie, Edinburgh, mid-Lothian Province, Scotland, Northern United Kingdom.Horizon: Rumbles Ironstone/Burghlee Ironstone, Limestone Group.
Age: Lower Lower Namurian, Lower Silesian Series, Pendleian Stage, Serpukhovian Epoch, Early Carboniferous (Early Late Mississippian).
NMS G. 1898.107.51 Mandibualr ramus.
NMS G. 1898.176.42: Left clavicle.
Locality: Burdiehouse, Scotland, Northern United Kingdom.
Age: Carboniferous.
F5624 Hugh Miller Collection (housed in the NMS): Left femur.