Genus: Ecolsonia VAUGHN, 1969

Species: cutlerensis VAUGHN, 1969
Etymology: In reference to the Cutler Formation.

Holotype: UCAL VP 1734

Locality: Vander Hoof Quarry of the University of California, Berkeley, in sec. 8, T. 22 N., R. 3, E., near Arroyo de Aguua, Rio Arriba County, Northern New Mexico.

Horizon: Lower part of the undifferentiated Upper Cutler Formation.


Age: Wolfcampian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.

Material: A partial skull that includes: most of the dorsal portion of the dermal skull roof except for the right posterolateral corner and the premaxillary region; the bones forming the posterior border of the
left external naris; a fragment of the anterior part of the spenethmoid; the anterior portion of the palate including the vomers, parts of the palatines, and the anteriormost part of the parasphenoid. Associated parts include fragments of pitted dermal bone and a maxillary fragment with four teeth.

Referred material:

Locality: Morfin Bonebed, SE 1/4, NE 1/4, NW 1/4, sec. 6, T22N, R3E, near Arroyo de Agua, Rio Arribia County, North-Central New Mexico.

Horizon: Upper Cutler Formation.


Age: Wolfcampian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.


CM 38017: Posterior half of skull with part of left mandible, series of closely associated far-anterior presacral vertebrae and ribs, and loosely articulated right scapulocoracoid and clavicle preserved immediately behind skull; loosely articulated elements of two probable mid-presacral vertebrae, associated and partial articulated vertebral series that includes elements of posterior presacrals with rib fragments and a sacral neural arch: several isolated presacral intercentra' left pleurocentrum, neural arch of an anterior presacral: two isolated neural arches of anterior caudals, left caudal rib and isolated rib fragments, left sacpulocoraocoid; left clavicle (closely associated with skull CM 41703): proximal end of left and distal end of right humeri; proximal end of right ulna, right pelvis, proximal and distal ends of left femur.

CM 41703: Complete skull with left mandible, portions of right mandible, four articulated neural arches of anterior caudals, with associated central elements and ribs, articulated late 12 caudal vertebrae: articulated left scapulocoracoid and cleithrum' left clavicle and interclavicle closely associated with skull; right clavicle, proximal end of left humerus' left radius' proximal and distal ends of right and proximal end of left ulnae, greater portions of pelvis; associated left femur, fibula, proximal and distal ends of tibia, and partial pes, distal end of right tibia, and isolated phalanges.

Dermal ossifications or osteoderms of various dimensions accur with most of the skeletal materials of both specimens.