Genus: Eocyclotosaurus ORTLAM, 1970
Etymology: Greek, eo, "early" + Cyclotosaurus.
= Heylerosaurus SHISHKIN, 1980

Species: papilio (WEPFER, 1923) SCHOCH & MORENO, 2024
= Cyclotosaurus papilio WEPFER, 1923 (nomen vanum)

Holotype: GIF uncatalogued.

Locality: A sandstone quarry west of Heckfeld, western Baden-Württemburg State, southern Germany.

Horizon: Glaukonitkalk, Upper Muschelkalk or Lower Lettnkohle.


Age: Upper Ladinian Stage, Upper Mid Triassic Epoch, Middle Triassic.

Material: Posterior portion of skull.

Species: woschmidti ORTLAM, 1970
= Stenotosaurus woschmidti (ORTLAM, 1970) HEYLER, 1976

Holotype: SMNS 51562

Locality: Stbr. Kössig, Rötfelden, TK 25 Stammheim (7318), R: 3477780, H: 53 85030, Baden-Württemberg State, Germany.

Horizon: Lower Röttone, Upper Buntsandstein.

Biostratigraphy: Perovkan.

Age: Early Ansian Stage, Lower Mid Triassic, Late Early Triassic.

Material: Skull.


Species: lehmani (HEYLER, 1969) KAMPHAUSEN & MORALES, 1981
Etymology: In honor of Dr. J. P. Lehman.
= Stenotosaurus lehmani HEYLER, 1969
= Heylerosaurus lehmani (HEYLER, 1969) ORTLAM, 1980
= Parotosaurus lehmani (HEYLER, 1969) CARROLL & WINER, 1977

Holotype: MNHNP uncatalogued.

Locality: Graufthal, Vogesen, France.

Horizon: Voltziensandstein (Gres a Meules), Upper Buntsandstein, Aegean.


Age: Lower Anisian Stage, Lower Mid Triassic Epoch, Middle Triassic.

Material: Skull roof and mould of palate.

Referred material:

SGR: Fragmentary skull.


Species: wellesi SCHOCH, 2000
Etymology: In honor of the late Samuel P. Welles, an engaged an dactive vertebrate palaeontologist at Berkeley, who contributed much to our knowledge of fossil amphibians and reptiles in the course of his long scientific life.
= New Genus MORALES, 1987

Holotype: UCMP 42841

Locality: Holbrook quarry, UC V-3922, on Highway 66, 6 miles west of Holbrook, immediately west of Geronimo Trading post, Apache County, Arizona.

Horizon: Holbrook Member, Moenkopi Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Perovkan.

Age: Ansian Stage, Lower Mid Triassic Epoch, Early Middle Triassic.

Material: A well preserved and complete skull.

Referred material:

UCMP 36220: Postglenoid area, paratype of Rhadaloganthus boweni.

Most of the slender-snouted skulls of Rhadaloganthus boweni WELLES & COSGRIFF 1965, WELLES 1967, 1969, belong to this species.


Locality: UCMP V4609, Cameron II, Apache County, Arizona.

Horizon: Holbrook Member, Moenkopi Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Perovkan.

Age: Ansian Stage, Lower Mid Triassic Epoch, Early Middle Triassic.


UCMP 41343: Natural mould of a nearly complete skull roof.

UCMP 55466: Posterior skull table with part of right snout.


Locality: UCMP V 4924, Hunt 2, Apache County, Arizona.

Horizon: Holbrook Member, Moenkopi Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Perovkan.

Age: Ansian Stage, Lower Mid Triassic Epoch, Early Middle Triassic.


UCMP 41632 a: A nearly complete skull.

UCMP 41632 b: A partial posterior skull roof, exposed in ventral view, and localited on the same block of 41632a.

UCMP 42841: Complete skull.

UCMP 57548: Posterior portion of skull.


Locality: UCMP V4927, Jennings Quarry, Navajo County, Arizona.

Horizon: Holbrook Member, Moenkopi Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Perovkan.

Age: Ansian Stage, Lower Mid Triassic Epoch, Early Middle Triassic.


UCMP 41645: Complete skull exposed in ventral view with parts of the mandible exposed.

UCMP 42840: Complete skull exposed in dorsal view with parts of the manidble exposed.

UCMP 123590: Fairly complete skull roof without snout tip.

UCMP 123592: Poorly preserved and fairly complete skull.

UCMP 125365: Postorbital portion of skull with braincase.

UCMP 125366: Postorbital portion of roof.

UCMP uncatalouged: Fragmens of symphysis, angular, and posterior skull table.



Species: appetolatus RINEHART, LUCAS & SCHOCH, 2015
Etymology: Latin, appetere, "to grab, seek, or attack" and Latin, latus, "side."

Holotype: NMMNH P-64166

Locality: NMMNH L-5193 (Tecolotito bonebed), on a south-facing hillside in the Pecos River Valley near Tecolotito, San Miguel County, New Mexico.

Horizon: Anton Chico Member, Moenkopi Formation.


Age: Perovkan, Early Anisina Stage, Early Mid Triassic Epoch, Early Middle Triassic.

Material: A nearly comlete skull.

Paratype: NMMNH P-43126: A prelacrimal snout.

Referred material:

NMMNH P-63328: A nearly compelte skull roof and partial palate.

NMMNH P-64360: A nearly complete skull lacking only the prenarial snout.

NMMNH P-64408: A mid-sized skull missing its snout from the Choanae forward.

NMMNH P-66832: A large skull missing the prenarial snout.

NMMNH P-63405: Snout tip of a small individual.

NMMNH P-55437: A postlacrimal skull.

NMMNH P-55438: A preorbital skull lacking the prenarial portion of a snout.

NMMNH P-63327: A pre-prefrontal snouth of a large individual.

NMMNH P-62769: A right mandible.

NMMNH P-64555: A nearly complete left mandible of a large individual.

NMMNH P-62772: Distal right jaw.

NMMNH P-62784: Left proximal jaw.

NMMNH P-64409: Right proximal jaw.

NMMNH P43128: Right proximal jaw.

NMMNH P-64410: Right proximal jaw, dentary only.

NMMNH P-43219: Left distal jaw.

NMMNH P-43217, P-43130-144, P-61873-883, P-62671-686, P-62759-768, P-62270, P-62271, P-62773-783, P-62785-799, P-62801-814, P-62990, P-62991, P-63329-335, P-63400-404, P-63406-408, P63461-464, P-6440, P-64421: An additional 128 specimens, comprising skull fragments, jaw fragments, shoulder girdle elements, pelvic elements, large numbers of vertebral intercentra, limb bones, manus and pes bones, caudal elements, neural arches, ribs, haemal arges and teeth.



Locality: NMMNH locality 580, Guadalupe County, Mexico.

Horizon: Anton Chico Member, Moenkopi Formation.


Age: Perovkan, Early Anisina Stage, Early Mid Triassic Epoch, Early Middle Triassic.


NMMNH P-17727 (originally UNM MV-042): Skull mising the preorbital snout.