Species: radiatus COPE, 1874
= Otocratia radiatus (COPE, 1874)
Holotype: AMNH 6922 (AMNH 8600) (Newberry Collection 8600G)
Locality: 'Diamond mine', Jefferson County, Ohio (Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.)
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
Material: Fragmentary skull.
Referred material:
AMNH 6927 (Newberry Collection 8607G): Fragmentary skull.
HUREY, 2023
CM95927: Skull.
CM91454: Endocranium.
AMNH FR6918 (Newberry Collection 6918, 9030): Mould of posterior half of skull in dorsal aspect and postcranial elements.
AMNH FR6997 (Clara Wooldridge Collection), part and counterpart: Partial pelvis, hind limbs, vertebrae and scales.
AMNH PR6902 (Newberry Collection F8466): Mould of partial skul, ribs, and dermal scales (ex-Colosteus specimen).
AMNH FR6948 (Newberry Collection 9024): Partial skull and interclavicle in dorsal aspect.
AMNH FR7492 (Newberry Collection F1162, F8479, F8681): Part and counterpart of an interclavicle.
CM 68335 (D.S. Hamilla Collection DSH 063.591): Part and counterpart of left skull table.
MCZ 2160 (R. N. Fearon Collection): PArtial pecoral girdle, humerus, ribs and vertebrae.
MCZ 7985 (J. E. Hyde Collection, previously Western Reserved University 5446): Part and counterpart mould of partial skull and axial skeleton.
STEEN, 1930
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
NHMUK R2670: Impression of the posterior half of the palate and of the occiput.
NHMUK R 2672: Impression of the external surface of the skull and the shoulder girdle, counterpart slab to R. 2670. Interclavicle, humerus, cleithrum, and ilium.
R. 2660: Specimen showing ventral scales, interclavicle, and vertebral elements.
= Diceratosaurus robustus MOODIE, 1909a
Etymology: Latin, robustus, "robust,strong."Holotype: AMNH 6929 (Newberry 8611G)
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
Material: Fragmentary skull.
= Diceratosaurus laevis MOODIE, 1909a
= Otocratia laevis (MOODIE, 1909)
Holotype: AMNH FR6924 (Newberry Collection 8598)
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
Material: Fragmentary skull.
= Erpetosaurus acutirostris MOODIE, 1909b
Etymology: Latin, acutirostris, "sharp beak."Holotype: AMNH 102 (AMNH 6923)
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
Material: Fragmentary skull.
Referred material:
STEEN, 1930
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
NHMUK R. 2662: Impression of the palate on which the sutures of the inner surface of the skull roof are also visible.