Species: durus (COPE, 1866) COPE, 1868 (nomen dubium)
= Mastodonsaurus durus COPE, 1866 (nomen dubium)
= Metoposaurus durus (COPE, 1866) CHOWDHURY, 1965 (nomen dubium)
Holotype: Not definitely determinable
Locality: Phonixville, Montgomery County, Pennsylvanian.
Horizon: Newark Group.
Age: Late Triassic.
AMNH 1850: Left clavicle.
AMNH 1863: Portion of an interclavicle.
AMNH 1868: Fragments
AMNH 3927: Fragment of a clavicle and some possible impressions in rock. It is possible that the type is included among these specimens.
AMNH 2333: Tooth.
AMNH 2324: Fragmentary clavicular plate.