Genus: Glanochthon SCHOCH & WITZMANN, 2009
Etymology: Glanum, the aboriginal Celtic name for the Glan River at Oderheim,
and Greek, he chthon (fem), 'native, soil, region, people' (Menge, 1985).
Species: latirostris (JORDAN, 1849) SCHOCH & WITZMANN, 2009
Etymology: Latin, lati, "broad, wide" and Latin, rostris, "snout."
= Archegosaurus latirostris JORDAN, 1849
= Actinodon latirostris (JORDAN, 1849) ROMER, 1939
= Sclerocephalus latirostris (JORDAN, 1849) FRITSCH, 1883
= Cheliderpeton latirostris (JORDAN, 1849) BOY, 1993
Holotype: Sammlung des Palaontologischen Institutes der Uiversitat Bon, GPIB-No. 4.
Locality: Lebach, wahrscheinlich Raum Rummelbah-Gresaubach near Lebach/Saar, Saarland State, Germany.
Horizon: Humberg Black Shale, Odernheim Member, Meisenheim Formation (Lower Clay Ironstone of the Coal Formation).
Age: Autunian, Sakmarian stage, upper lower to lower middle Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
Material: Skull fragment.
Referred material:
PIB-No. 1: Larval skull.
PIB-No. 2, MNG-Am. 211a, MCZ-1272a: Skulls.
MNB-Am 211b: Fragmentary skull and fragmentary skeleton.
MNG-AM 215a: Lower jaw.
GPIM-N1217: Skull of an adult.
BMNH R1299: Skull of a juvenile.
GMBS 228, 244/24, 308, GPIT-Am 34, 673, MB.Am 113, 211, 224: Fragmentary specimens.
Locality: Lake Hamberg, Saar-Nahe Basin, Germany.
Horizon: Upper Odernheim Unit, Meisenheim Formation.
Age: Lower Rotlegend, Lowermost Permian.
UHC-P 0682: Skeleton of Triodus sessilis.
Note: With 2 larval temnospondyls (Archegosaurus dechnei [skull and skeleton] and Chelderpeton latirostre [fragmentary skull and nearly complete skeleton] with an acanthodian Acanthodes bronni keletal elements in its digestive track) within its digestive track.
Locality: Muse, near Autun, Saone-et-Loire, France.
Age: Early Permian.
BMNH R1605: Skull and thoracic region.
Locality: Saar-Nahe Basin, Saarland and Rheinland-Pfalz, Southwestern Germany.
Age: Autunian, Sakmarian stage, upper lower to lower middle Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
MB.Am. 1271, 1275: Compelete skeleton with scales.
MB.Am.1293: Skull and anterior part of the trunk with scales.
MB.Am.1312: skull and anterior part of the trunk with scales.
ROM 5735: Skull with anterior half of the trunk with scales.
Species: angusta SCHOCH & WITZMANN, 2009
Holotype: GPIM-N 1217
Locality: Odernheim, Rhienland-Pflaz State, Germany.
Horizon: Black Shale proper and Paper Shale (Papierschiefer) horizons, Humbeg Black Shale, Odernheim Member, Meisenheim Formation.
Age: Autunian, Sakmarian stage, upper lower to lower middle Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
Material: A complete skull.
Referred material:
Geographical Range: Gresaubach (black shale), Erdesbach ('Papierschiefer', black shale), Rathsweiler (black shale), Wörsbach (black shale), Oderheim ('Papierschiefer', black shale).
GMBS-Gr 24, 85, 93, 174, 179, 282, 250, 307, 348, 393-394, GPIM-N 1220, MB.Am 1272, 1274-1276, 1281-1283, 1286, 1287, 1289, 1293, 1296, 1306, 1310, 1312, POL-F-002, -1994-1, -1989-3, -1991-5, -1991-6, -1992-3, Gre-17, Gre-148, SMNS 58784, 90697, 91000, 91003: Fragmentary skulls and fragmentary skeletons.
GPIM-N1180, GPIM-N793a: Fragmentary skulls and fragmentary skeletons.
GPIM-N1177, MNG-AM 215a: Lower jaw.
GPIM-N793A, GPIM-N1843, GPIM -N1844: Interclavicals.
Species: lellbachae (KRÄTSCHMER, 2006) SCHOCH, 2021
= Cheliderpeton lellbachae KRÄTSCHMER, 2006
Etymology: In honor of Lotte Lellbach from Odernheim, a large fossil collector
and discoverer of the, “Odernheimer Kalkbank”.
Holotype: NHMM-PW2006/14
Locality: The Kauswald southwest of Odernheim am Glan, Rheinland-Pflaz State, Germany.
Horizon: Klauswald-Fossilhorizon, Odernheim Subformation, Meisenheim Formation.
Biostratigraphy: M9 sequence.
Age: Autunian, Rotliegendes Epoch, Earliest Permian.
Material: Skull and skeleton, with scales.
Referred material:
SMNK-TAL 4638: Nearly complete specimen.
SKO-023: Postcranial skeleton.
SKO-053: Skull.