Genus: Kermitops SO, PARDO & MANN, 2024
Etymology: Generic epithet is derived from a combination of 'Kermit' the famous lissamphibian and beloved Muppets' character created and originally performed by Jim henson, and Greek, -ops, "face."

Species: gratus SO, PARO & MANN, 2024
Etymology: Lagin, gratus, "gratitude" for the contributions of specimen collector and former USNM vertebrate paleontology curator Nicholas Hotton III, and other members of the USNM field parth that were involved in the collection effort.

Holotype: USNM 407585

Locality: East Coffee Creek, Lake Kemp (NE Quad), Wilbarger County, Texas.

Horizon: Lower Clear Fork Formation.



Age: Upper Leonardian Stage,Upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.

Material: A nearly complete skull roof, occiput with partial braincase and mandibles preserved. Aside from partially preserved right vomerine teeth, the anterior palatal elements are not preserved.