Species: giganteus (JAEGER, 1828) JAEGER, 1833 (nomen protectum,
Etymology: Latin, giganteus, "big, giant."
= Salamandroides giganteus JAEGER, 1828 (nomen vanum)
= Mastodonsaurus giganteus (JAEGER, 1828) JAGER, 1833 (nomen vanum)
Holotype: GPIT Am 678 (old GPIT 1824)
Locality: Alum mine at Gaildorf, Hohenlohe, northern Baden-Würrttemberg State, southwestern Germany.
Horizon: The “Gaildorfer Alaunschiefer”, Lower Keuper.
Age: Longobardian Regional Stage, Late Ladinian Subepoch, Late Mid Triassic Epoch, Late Middle Triassic.
Material: Occipital region of a skull with exoccipital condyles and posterior portion of parasphenoid.
Lectotype: SMNS 55911: Tooth.
Referred material:
HUENE, 1922
SMNS 4698 (FRAAS, 1889, Schadel I): Complete skull with mandible and 20 vertebrae.
SMNS 4706: Fragmentary skeleton.
SCHOCH, 1999
SMNS 54679 (FRAAS, 1889, Schadel II): Complete skull with mandibles.
SMNS 4707 (FRAAS, 1889, Schadel III): Large complete skull with mandibles, anterior part of vertebral column (9 intercentra).
SMNS 4938: Tip of snout.
SMNS 56630: Left clavicle with ulna and part of manus, right clavicle with badly preserved phalanges and carpal elemtns, fragmentary interclavicle, both scapulocoracoids, 1 radius, and about 10 presacral vertebrae.
Note: SCHOCH, 1999…In addition the Gaildorf material of the SMNS encompasses 10 ribs, 3 ilia, 1 fibula, 2 interclavicles, and one large clavicle. The GPIT possesses additional specimens: (1) three intercentra, neural arches, and rib fragments in articulation, and (2) various isolated presacral intercentra…
CORROY, 1928Locality: Lorraine, France and Wurrtemberg, Germany.
Horizon: Muschelkalk.
Age: Mid Triassic Epoch, Middle Triassic.
Number: Not given: Fragmentary maxilla, teeth.
= Mastodonsaurus aff. giganteus DIEDRICH, 2015
Locality: Enodis/posseckeri bonebed, Lamerden, Hessen State, Germany.
Horizon: Upper Muscheklalk.
Age: Ladinian Stage, Late Mid Triassic Epoch, Late Middle Triassic.
LAM-1540, 1562: 1 large tooth fragment and dermal skull roofing element fragment.
Note: Marine deposit.
Locality: Scheuermann and Hirsch Quarries, near Schwäbisch Hall-Steinbach, Baden-Württemberg State, Germany.
Horizon: Lower Keuper/Lettenkeuper ('Lettenkohle' of the older literature).
Age: Ladinian Stage, Upper Mid Triassic Epoch, Upper Middle Trassic.
MHI 22: 1 tusk of a small individual.
HUENE, 1908
Locality: Rock Hill (SO 948698, Bromsgrove, near Brimingham, Warwickshire County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Bromsgrove Sandstone Formation.
Age: Anisian Stage, Lower Mid Triassic Epoch, Middle Triassic.
Number: Not given:
LYDEKKER, 1890Locality:
BMNH 11959: Cast of a tooth.
BMNH R84: Tooth.
BMNH 43637: Tooth.
BMNH 33091: Fragmentary tooth.
BMNH 11959a: Cast of exoccipitals and basioccipital.
BMNH 48206: Cast of cranium.
BMNH 33092: Fragmentary centrum of a dorsal vertebra.
BMNH 33093: Fragments of ribs.
MIALL, 1874Locality: Warwick, Warwickshire County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Lower Keuper Formation.
Age: Late Triassic.
Warwick Museum: Fragment of clavicle.
SCHOCH, 1999 (FRAAS, 1889, Schadel IV)
Locality: Rothenacker Wald near Markgroningen, Baden-Würrttemberg State, Germany.
Horizon: Hauptsandstein = Untere Graue Mergel.
Age: Longobardian Regional Stage, Late Ladinian Subepoch, Late Mid Triassic Epoch, Late Middle Triassic.
SMNS 4974: A near-complete skull.
Locality: At a construction site of the Autobahn near Kupferzell-Bauersbach, Hohenlohekreis, Baden-Würrttemberg State, Southwest Germany.Horizon: Untere Grau Mergel, Lower Keuper Formation (Erfurt Formation).
Age: Longobardian Regional Stage, Late Ladinian Subepoch, Late Mid Triassic Epoch, Late Middle Triassic.
Untere Graue Mergel Green layer K3
SMNS 54675, 54678: Complete skulls.
SMNS 80704: Complete skull with mandible.
SMNS 80889: Complete skull with mandible, partly dislocated riget side.
SMNS 80890: Posterior part of skull.
SMNS 80905: Partial disartculated skull.
SMNS 80945: Disarticulated skull.
SMNS 81075: Disarticulated skull.
SMNS 81310: Complete mandible with few remnants of the palate and a total of 28 presacral and 6 caudal vertebrae, 6-8 neural arches, 20 pleurocentra, and about 40, largely complete ribs from all regions in the axial skeleton.
Note: Catalogued and frequently referred to as “Riesenexemplar von Kupferzell”.SMNS 81368: Posterior part of palate, with attachment sites for braincase elements.
SMNS 84030: Posterior margin of the skull.
SMNS 97035, 97036: Skulls of larvas.
SMNS 80886, 81153-81156: Supratemporal.
SMNS 91161-81162: Postorbital.
SMNS 80946, 80947, 81164: Squamosal.
SMNS 81316, 81318, 81324-81325: Pterygoid.
SMNS 81326, 81328, 81330-81332: Parasphenoid.
SMNS 80980-80988, 81002-81005, 81013, 81018-81024: Exoccipitals.
SMNS 81281-91: Interclavicle.
SMNS 81298: Clavicle.
SMNS 81208-81209, 81257, 81264: Cleithrum.
SMNS 84172 (13), 84173, 84194 (4), 84195, 94206, 84208, 84212 (10), 84213 (11), 84291 (5): Intercentra.
Note: As per SCHOCH, 1999…Isolated cranial material consits of the following, rich body specimens: 7 premaxillae, 3 maxillae, 4 jugals, 3 quadratojugals, 4 squamosals, 10 tabulars, 7 postparietals, 6 supratemporals, 5 postorbitals, 5 postfrontals, 5 parietals, 3 frontals, 5 nasals, 3 lacramals, 3 prefrontals, 20 quadrata, 31 exoccipitals, 14 pterygoids, 10 parasphenoids (often fragmentary), 12 stapes, 15 epipterygoids, 2 palatines, and 2 ectopterygoids. There are several entirely unprepared skulls, and a large number of unprepared disarticulated cranial elements in the Stuttgart collection.
Further, 9 complete and prepared mandible halves are housed in the SMNS (54675, 56634, 80871, 80872, 80874, 80879, 80880, 80881, 80882). About 40 further fragments from all regions of the lower jaw have been investigated for this study.
1977 Kupferzell excavation (Untere Graue Mergel, almost throughout green layer, information by courtesy of R. Wild and M. Urlichs): About 120 perpared and calatogued, isolated presacral intercentra are housed in the SMNS. In addition there are at least 25 caudal intercentra prepared, 20 pleurocentra, 30 mostly very fragmentary neural arches, and 114 isolated ribs from all regions of the body. The appendicular skeleton is also well-represented: 13 cleithra, 25 claviculare, 29 interclaviculare (the numerous fragments not counted), 12 scapulocoracoids, 12 humeri, 5 radii, 3 ulnae, 10 phalanges, 9 ilia, 10 ischia, 8 femora, 1 tibia and 1 fibula…SCHOCH, 2015
SMNS 81283: Interclavicle.
SMNS 81293: Coracoids and interclavicle.
SMNH 84139: Caudal centra.
Untere Graue Mergel Brown layer K4
SMNS 54676: Complete skull.
SMNS 54677: Complete skull.
SMNS 80249: Posterior rim of skull.
SMNS 80887: Snout fragment.
SMNS 80878: Near complete skull with parts of mandible.
SMNS 80913: Fragmentary skull.
SMNS 83293: Fragmentary skull.
SMNS 83312: Fragmentary skull.
SMNS 97038-97042: Skull fragments.
SMNS 80865: Supratemporal.
SMNS 81000, 83260: Postparietal.
SMNS 81091-81098: Tabular.
SMNS 80917, 80926, 80956, 80957, 80979, 80980, 80982, 80989, 80990, 80994, 80996, 80998: Exoccipitals.
SMNS 81320, 81321: Pteryogid.
SMNS 81270-81276: Interclavicle.
SMNS 82138, 84139 (14), 84145 (7), 84200, 84207 (6), 84210, 82411: Intercentra.
Locality: Vellberg-Escheanu, Germany.
Horizon: Untere Grau Mergel.
Age: Late Triassic.
Private collection of Mr. Berner (Heilbronn): 20 giant intercentra of a specimen which the skull.
SCHOCH & MORENO, 2024Locality: Velberg, E5, Baden-Württemburg State, Southwest Germany.
Horizon: Erfurt Formation, Brown Siltstone, Upper Lettenkeuper series.
Age: Ladinian Stage, Upper Mid Triassic Epoch, Middle Triassic.
MHI 1992-20: Complete skull.
MHI 1992-41: Complete skull.
MHI Ku-UC531e1: Skull.
MHI Ku-UC531e2: Skull.
SMNS 81966: Complete skull.
Locality: Velberg, E6, Baden-Württemburg State, Southwest Germany.
Horizon: Erfurt Formation, Grey Mudstone, Upper Lettenkeuper series.
Age: Ladinian Stage, Upper Mid Triassic Epoch, Middle Triassic.
MHI 1992-1: Complete large skull with mandible detatched.
MHI 1992-31: Complete juvenile skull.
MHI 1992-42: Complete juvenile skull.
SMNS 97043: Complete skull.
MHI Ku-UC54leI: Mandible.
HNI Ku-UC54le2: Mandible.
MHI Ku-UC54le3: MAndible.
MHI Ku-UC1: MAndible and skull.
MHI Ku-UC2: Mandible and skull.
SMNS 92128: Complete skull.
SMNS 97037: Postrior portion of skull.
Locality: Velberg, E7, Baden-Würrttemberg State, Southwest Germany.
Horizon: Anoplophora Dolomite.
Age: Ladinian Stage, Upper Mid Triassic Epoch, Middle Triassic.
MHI 1794-3: Complete skull.
MHI 1991-4: 2 partial skulls.
MHI 1991-5: Snout.
MHI 1991-6: Partial skull.
MHI 1991-7: Snout.
MHI 1991-8: Mandible.
MHI 1991-11: Complete skull.
MHI Ku-UC54le: Mandible.
MHI Ku-UC54le1: Skull.
MHI Ku-UC: Skull.
Locality: Arnstadt, Thurigia State, Germany.
Horizon: Oberes Dunkles Band, layer 42, dark coaly silstone.
Age: Late Triassic.
NHMS-WT 3323-3368: Partial skull and mandible.
Locality: Bedheim, Jahn Quarry, Thuringia State, Germany.
Horizon: Lettenkohlenhaupt-sandstein.
Age: Late Traissic.
MB-Am 950: Plate.
Locality: Molsdorf, Thuringia State, Germany.
Horizon: Lower Keuper.
Age: Late Triassic.
Number: Not given: Skull.
Locality: Michelbachander Bliz M1, Baden-Würrttemberg State, southwestern Germany.
Horizon: Sandige Pflanzenschiefer, Upper Lettenkeuper, Lower Keuper, Erfurt Formation.
Age: Longobardian, Upper Landinian Stage, Upper Mid Triassic, Middle Triassic.
MHI 1070: Series of intercentra of juvenile specimen.
= Salamandroides jäegeri ALBERTI, 1834
= Labyrinthodon jaegeri (ALBERTI, 1834) OWEN, 1842
= Mastodonsaurus jaegeri (ALBERTI, 1834) FITZINGER, 1840
= Batrachosaurus jaegeri (ALBERTI, 1834) MEYER, 1832
Holotype: Figured by MEYER 1844Locality: Gaildorf, Hohenlohe, northern Baden-Würrttemberg State, southwestern Germany.
Horizon: Lettenkohl, Alaunschiefer, Lower Keuper.
Age: Late Triassic.
Material: Fragmentary skull.
= Mastodonsaurus pachygnathus MIALL, 1874 (partim)
= Labyrinthodon pachygnatus OCHEV, 1966 (sic)
= Labyrinthodon pachignatus OCHEV, 1966 (sic)Locality: Rock Hill (SO 948698, Bromsgrove, near Brimingham, Warwickshire County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Bromsgrove Sandstone Formation.
Age: Anisian Stage, Lower Mid Triassic Epoch, Middle Triassic.
Warwick Museum: Bone for the orbital region and portions of mandibles.
Referred material:
Locality: Warwickshire County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Top of the Building Stones Formation.
Age: Late Triassic.
SM 369, GZ 20, GZ 9, GZ 1057: Skull fragments.
Locality: Warwickshire County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Top of the Building Stones Formation.
Age: Late Triassic.
GZ 15: Posterior part of a right lower jaw from just in front of the anterior end of the adductor fossa.
= Diadetognathus varvicensis MIALL, 1874 (partim)Locality: Warwickshire County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Top of the Building Stones Formation.
Age: Late Triassic.
Gz 37: Part of a right lower jaw showing the anterior part of the adductor fossa and the posterior part of the posterior Meckelian fossa.
Locality: Bromsgrove, England, Southern United Kingdom.Horizon: Keuper Formation.
Age: Late Triassic.
BSP 1: Fragment of skull.
= Mastodonsaurus acuminatus FRAAS, 1889
Locality: Lettenhohlenschichten, Thurigia State, Germany.
Age: Longobardian Regional Stage, Late Ladinian Subepoch, Late Mid Triassic Epoch, Late Middle Triassic.
Material: Fragmentary skull and interclavicale.
= Mastodonsaurus acuminatus FRAAS, 1889
Locality: Hoheneck near Ludwigsburg, Baden-Würrttemberg State, Germany.
Horizon: Hohenecker Kalk.
Age: Longobardian Regional Stage, Late Ladinian Subepoch, Late Mid Triassic Epoch, Late Middle Triassic.
SMNS 740: Medium-sized palate exposed in ventral view.
SMNS 4194: Large skull roof in ventral view.
Species: torvus KONJUKOVA, 1955
Etymology: Latin, torvus, "savage, cruel, wild."
= Mastodonsaurus tantus KRANSILNIKOV & VYUSHKOV, 1947
Holotype: PIN 415/1-4
Locality: Koltayevo III, Bolshoy Yushatyr’ River, Bashkortostan, southern European Russia.
Horizon: Bukobay Formation (Yushatarsk Formation, Bukobay Series).
Age: Upper Ladinian Stage, Upper Mid Triassic Epoch, Middle Triassic.
Material: Fragment of posterior dentary.
Referred material:
PIN 415/2:
PIN 415/3: Coracoid?
PIN 415/4: Neural spine.
Locality: Bukobay ravine, Berdyanka River, Ural Basin, bukobay svita, southern cis-urals, Orenburg Province, European Russia.
Horizon: Bukobay Formation.
Age: Middle Triassic.
PIN No. 4188/52: Fragmentary jaw.
Locality: Inder Lake, Caspian Region, Kazakhstan.Horizon: Inder Formation.
Age: Middle Triassic.
PIN No. 4121/173: Fragmentary jaw.
= Mastodonsaurus (?) torvus TVERKOKHLEBOV, TVERDOKHLEBOVA, SURKOV & BENTON, 2002Locality: Starokoltaveo I, right bank of the Bolshoy Yushatir River (Sakmara drainage basin), 20 km NE of Oktyabrsky Town, Bashkirian Republic (Bashkortostan), eastern European Russia.
Horizon: Bukobayan Svita, Bukobay Gorizont.
Age: Lettenkohle, Ladinian Stage, Upper Mid Triassic Epoch, Middle Triassic.
Number: Not given: Skull.
Locality: Belyaevsky I (Bukobay V), right bank of the Bukobay ravine (drainage basin of the left bank of the Ural River), 7.5 km east of Belyaevsky village, Orenburg Region, Eastern European Russia.
Horizon: Bukobayan Svita, Bukobay Gorizont.
Age: Lettenkohle, Ladinian Stage, Upper Mid Triassic Epoch, Upper Middle Triassic.
Number: Not given:
= Mastodonsaurus maximus OCHEV (?), 1958
Etymology: Latin, maximus, "greatest."Holotype: PIN 52511
Material: Skull fragments.