Species: casei HAUGHTON, 1925
= Rhytidosteus casei (HAUGHTON, 1925) SHISHKIN, 1964
Holotype: SAM-PK-6556
Locality: Wonderboom, south of Burghersdorp, Cape Province, South Africa.
Horizon: Burgersdorp Formation, Tarkastad Subgroup.
Biostratigraphy: Cynognathus zone.
Age: Spathian Stage, uppermost Scythian Epoch to Anisian Stage, lowermost Mid Triassic Epoch, Early to Middle Triassic.
Material: Fragmentary skull.
Referred material:
Locality: Farm Bethel, Rouxville District, Free (Orange Free) State, South Africa.
Horizon: Burgersdorp Formation, Tarkastad Subgroup.
Biostratigraphy: Subzone B, Cynognathus zone.
Age: Spathian Stage, uppermost Scythian Epoch to Anisian Stage, lowermost Mid Triassic Epoch, Early to Middle Triassic.
BP/1/4653: Fragments of skull comprising portions of the left and right maxilllae, palatines, and ectopterygoids, and a fragment of vomer.
Locality: West of the railway station in the Aliwal North District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.
Horizon: Burgersdorp Formation, Tarkastad Subgroup.
Biostratigraphy: Subzone B, Cynognathus zone.
Age: Spathian Stage, uppermost Scythian Epoch to Anisian Stage, lowermost Mid Triassic Epoch, Early to Middle Triassic.
SAM-PK-K5878: Skull fragment consisting of part of the left vomer, paired vomerian tusks, the anterior rim of the left choana an dsome maxillary teeth.
Species: averyi WARREN, 2012
Etymology: In honor of Steven Avery who found the holotype and only specimen.
Holotype: AM F.135895
Locality: A site 7 km SE of Picton, New South Wales, Australia.
Horizon: Rouse Hill Siltstone Member, Ashfield Shale, Wianamatta Group.
Age: Aniasian Stage, Lower Mid Triassic Epoch, Lower Middle Triassic.
Material: Anterior half of a skull with attached mandible.