Species: randalli (WELLES, 1947) SHISHKIN, 1960 (nomen dubium)
= Cyclotosaurus randalli WELLES, 1947 (nomen dubium)
Holotype: UCMP 36188
Locality: Holbrook quarry, UC V-3922, on Highway 66, 6 miles west of Holbrook, immediately west of Geronimo Trading post, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Holbrook Member, Moenkopi Formation.
Age: Ansian Stage, Lower Mid Triassic Epoch, Early Middle Triassic.
Material: A circumotic fragment of a skull roof.
Referred material:
UCMP 38189, 36190: Large and medium sized right exoccipital-pterygoid-parasphenoid regions.
UCMP 37761: Atlas.
UCMP 37762: Intercentrum.
UCMP 37826: Neural arch.
UCMP 37822, UCMP 37828: Ribs.
UCMP 36237: Left ilium.
UCMP 36239: Interclavicle.
UCMP 36207: Tooth.
Also numerous jaw and skeletal elements.