Etymology: Komi, parma, describing the landscape of hills covered by conferous forst, typical for South Timan, and Greek, stegi, "roof" here as the skull roof.
In honor of Aelida I. Popova (Syktyvkar State Unifrsity) (1929-2011), who first inspired Pavel A. Beznosov's intrest in the natural sciences.
Holotype: IG KSC 705/1
Locality: Sosnovskiy Geological Monument, on the right bank of the Izhma River opposite Sosnogorsk, Komi Republic, European Russia.
Horizon: Sosnogorsk Formation.
Age: Lowermost Famennian Stage, Middle Late Devonian Epoch, Late Devonian.
Material: An articulated snout region, medial rostal, premaxillae, nasal, tectar, right frontal, right prefrontal, left and right vomer, parasphenoid..
Referred material:
IG KSC 705/3, /18, /44, /46: Rigth frontal.
IG KSC 705/2: Left and right parietals, lsft and right postparital, left and right supratemporal, left adn right tabular.
IG KSC 705/17: Left and right parietal, left and right postprietal, left and right supratmeporals, left and right tabular, supraoccipital..
IG KSC 705/56: Left and right parietals, left and right postparietals, left supratemoral, and left tabular.
IG KSC 705/57: Left paritals, left postparietal, left supratemporal , left tabular.
IG KSC 705/58: Right parietal, right postparietal, right supratemporal, right tabular.
IG KSC 705/4: Left postfrontal.
IG KSC 705/5: Right prefrontal.
IG KSC 705/6, 38, 47, 48, unnumbered: Prefrontal.
IG KSC 705/26: Right squamosal.
IG KSC 705/7, /27, /49, unnumbered: Left nasal.
IG KSC 705/8: Left premaxilla.
IG KSC 705/9: Tectal.
IG KSC 705/10, /28, /66: Right maxillae.
IG KSC 705/11: Right vomer.
IG KSC 705/12, /59: Left vomer.
IG KSC 705/13, unnumbered: Right ectopterygoids.
IG KSC 705/14, /65: Right pterygoids.
IG KSC 705/15: Left scapulocoraoid.
IG KSC 705/16, /93, unnumgeredIG KSC 705/20, 51, 52: Left jugal.
IG KSC 705/22: Right anterior coroind.
IG KSC 705/23, /80: Right splenial.
IG KSC 705/24, /77, /79, unnumbered: Right prearticular.
IG KSC 705/29, /32, unnumbered: Left dermopalatine.
IG KSC 705/30, /62, /63, unnumbered: Left ectopterygoids.
IG KSC 705/40-/43, /45: Left frontal.
IG KSC 705/31, /64: Left pterygoid.
IG KSC 705/33, /35: Left middle coronid.
IG KSC 705/34, /84, /85, /86: Left angualr.
IG KSC 705/35, /76, /78: Left prearticular.
IG KSC 705/36, /75: Left posterior coronid.
IG KSC 705/37: Left adsymphsial, left splenial.
IG KSC 705/50: Right jugal.
IG KSC 705/53, 54, unnumbetred: Left squamosal.
IG KSC 705/55: Right quadratojugal.
IG KSC 705/60, /61: Right dermopalatine.
IG KSC 705/67, /68, /69, ULM 2599: Right dentaries.
IG KSC 705/70, /71, /75: Left dentaries.
IG KSC 705/72: Left dentary, left adsymphysal, left anterior coronid.
IG KSC 705/73: Left anterior coronid.
IG KSC 705/87: Right angular.
IG KSC 705/88: Right surangular.
IG KSC 705/89, /90: Interclavicles.
IG KSC 705/91, 92: Right clavicle.
IG KSC 705/93: Left clavicle.
IG KSC 705/94, 95: Left cleithrum, right scapulocorid.
IG KSC 705/96: Right angular.
IG KSC 705/97: Left angular.
IG KSC 705/98, /99: Right angular.
IG KSC 705/100: Right scapulocoracoid.
IG KSC 705/101, 102, 104, ?105: Left coracoids.
IG KSC 705/103: Right roracoid.
IG KSC 705/106: Left articualr.
IG KSC unnumbered: 4 left maxillae, 1 left supratemporal, 2 left tabulars, 3 left dentarys, 3 right dentaries,1 left splenial, 1 left angular.