Etymology: Komi, parma, describing the landscape of hills covered by conferous forst, typical for South Timan, and Greek, stegi, "roof" here as the skull roof.

Etymology: In honor of Aelida I. Popova (Syktyvkar State Unifrsity) (1929-2011), who first inspired Pavel A. Beznosov's intrest in the natural sciences.

Holotype: IG KSC 705/1

Locality: Sosnovskiy Geological Monument, on the right bank of the Izhma River opposite Sosnogorsk, Komi Republic, European Russia.

Horizon: Sosnogorsk Formation.


Age: Lowermost Famennian Stage, Middle Late Devonian Epoch, Late Devonian.

Material: An articulated snout region, medial rostal, premaxillae, nasal, tectar, right frontal, right prefrontal, left and right vomer, parasphenoid..

Referred material:

IG KSC 705/3, /18, /44, /46: Rigth frontal.

IG KSC 705/2: Left and right parietals, lsft and right postparital, left and right supratemporal, left adn right tabular.

IG KSC 705/17: Left and right parietal, left and right postprietal, left and right supratmeporals, left and right tabular, supraoccipital..

IG KSC 705/56: Left and right parietals, left and right postparietals, left supratemoral, and left tabular.

IG KSC 705/57: Left paritals, left postparietal, left supratemporal , left tabular.

IG KSC 705/58: Right parietal, right postparietal, right supratemporal, right tabular.

IG KSC 705/4: Left postfrontal.

IG KSC 705/5: Right prefrontal.

IG KSC 705/6, 38, 47, 48, unnumbered: Prefrontal.

IG KSC 705/26: Right squamosal.

IG KSC 705/7, /27, /49, unnumbered: Left nasal.

IG KSC 705/8: Left premaxilla.

IG KSC 705/9: Tectal.

IG KSC 705/10, /28, /66: Right maxillae.

IG KSC 705/11: Right vomer.

IG KSC 705/12, /59: Left vomer.

IG KSC 705/13, unnumbered: Right ectopterygoids.

IG KSC 705/14, /65: Right pterygoids.

IG KSC 705/15: Left scapulocoraoid.

IG KSC 705/16, /93, unnumgeredIG KSC 705/20, 51, 52: Left jugal.

IG KSC 705/22: Right anterior coroind.

IG KSC 705/23, /80: Right splenial.

IG KSC 705/24, /77, /79, unnumbered: Right prearticular.

IG KSC 705/29, /32, unnumbered: Left dermopalatine.

IG KSC 705/30, /62, /63, unnumbered: Left ectopterygoids.

IG KSC 705/40-/43, /45: Left frontal.

IG KSC 705/31, /64: Left pterygoid.

IG KSC 705/33, /35: Left middle coronid.

IG KSC 705/34, /84, /85, /86: Left angualr.

IG KSC 705/35, /76, /78: Left prearticular.

IG KSC 705/36, /75: Left posterior coronid.

IG KSC 705/37: Left adsymphsial, left splenial.

IG KSC 705/50: Right jugal.

IG KSC 705/53, 54, unnumbetred: Left squamosal.

IG KSC 705/55: Right quadratojugal.

IG KSC 705/60, /61: Right dermopalatine.

IG KSC 705/67, /68, /69, ULM 2599: Right dentaries.

IG KSC 705/70, /71, /75: Left dentaries.

IG KSC 705/72: Left dentary, left adsymphysal, left anterior coronid.

IG KSC 705/73: Left anterior coronid.

IG KSC 705/87: Right angular.

IG KSC 705/88: Right surangular.

IG KSC 705/89, /90: Interclavicles.

IG KSC 705/91, 92: Right clavicle.

IG KSC 705/93: Left clavicle.

IG KSC 705/94, 95: Left cleithrum, right scapulocorid.

IG KSC 705/96: Right angular.

IG KSC 705/97: Left angular.

IG KSC 705/98, /99: Right angular.

IG KSC 705/100: Right scapulocoracoid.

IG KSC 705/101, 102, 104, ?105: Left coracoids.

IG KSC 705/103: Right roracoid.

IG KSC 705/106: Left articualr.

IG KSC unnumbered: 4 left maxillae, 1 left supratemporal, 2 left tabulars, 3 left dentarys, 3 right dentaries,1 left splenial, 1 left angular.